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Bellamy was waiting for the hunting group to get back, he was waiting for Cassie, they weren't dating, but he was in love with her, she was sassy, matched Murphy's sarcasm, Clarke's drive to help people, knows how to shoot a gun, she's small, barely 5'1, and 117 pounds but boy could she throw a punch, someone opened the gate and he rushed to Cassie only to see she's not there, Finn walked over to him with a sad look in his eyes

"Where Cassie?"

"We were attacked, they took her." He says and then Bellamy realizes that most of the hunting group were injured and beaten

"How many dead?"

"one, ax to the head."

"Alright, I'm gonna gather a search party so we can look for her."

"No way, you send anyone out there it's a suicide mission, we need to do it in the morning."

"Fine, at first light we leave." He says and heads back to his tent and tried to get some sleep

*With Cassie*

Cassie woke up on the ground chained to a caves wall, she felt liquid trickling down her face and touched it, she pulled her hand back down and saw blood, she looked down at her leg to see an arrow snapped in half, she hears footsteps so she pretends to be asleep

"What are we gonna do with her?" One man asks

"We're gonna make her tell us their weaknesses." Another says, she felt a stinging sensation on her face, the asshole slapped her, she opens her eyes and glares at him

"Look who's awake, tell me, what's your villages weakness? No healers? Warriors?"

"Go to hell." She spits at him, he wipes off his face and grabs her chin harshly

"You will tell us, or else." He says and he takes out a knife

"Do it." She says, still glaring at him, he puts his knife away and jams his thumb o to her wound, making her scream out in pain and they laugh

"Not so tough are you now?" He asks

"Fuck you!" She yells out and he pulls out his knife again and slams it into her shoulder, making her scream again, he pulls it out and drags it along her abdomen, they torture her all night, she screamed so much it hurt to talk, her face and body was bloody, when they found out she wasn't gonna give anything up they jabbed the knife into her stomach and left her in the cave to die, she's been sitting there for two hours, fighting off the tiredness, she hears footsteps and someone calling out

"I found her!" One of the delinquents yells, probably to the search party, soon she feels a pair of hands on her cheeks and she looks up in her tired and dizzy state to see Bellamy, he's saying something but she can't hear him, shes in and out of consciousness, she wakes up with him carrying her back to camp, then falls back into her unconscious state, then wakes up in the drop ship with Clarke taking out the knife, making her scream again, Bellamy, a few feet away from the drop ship, winces at every scream, soon Finn walks out with a grin expression


"The knife, it was poisoned, we don't know how bad it is." He says

"Finn, get in here! She's seizing!" They hear Clarke yell and they both run in to see blood coming out of her mouth, she's pale with a sheet of sweat coating her, she doesn't look to good

"We need to get Lincoln." Clarke says

"I'll go." Jasper says and he takes Miller and Monroe with him, within ten minutes Lincoln walks in with his antidotes, he examines the knife and her state before pulling out a vile and giving it to Clarke for her to pour down her throat

"This poison, if it has been in her blood stream for more than two hours, it won't work." He says

"Is there any chance of survival if it doesn't?" Bellamy asks

"Very very small chance, but with her size and immunity, I doubt she'll make it to the next hour."

"Not helping." Octavia says and hugs Bellamy

"Don't worry, she's strong, she will make it." She says, it sounds like she's reassuring herself too, throughout the night Bellamy was there, she was still pale, she developed a fever, she started seizing again, twice, and her heart stopped, but they brought her back and she was only getting worse, the antidote didn't work and Bellamy was scared, no, terrified she wouldn't make it

"I don't know if you can hear me but, please don't die, I don't know if I could take it, I know I've been an asshole to you, I just thought if I pushed you away I wouldn't have to be heartbroken if you died, but seeing you here now I don't know if it would have been worse, I can't do this without you, please come back to me." He says with tears falling down his face and he kisses her forehead, over the next two weeks she has slowly been getting better, Bellamy kept giving her some water, but she wasn't fully conscious, Bellamy was sitting next to her like always, looking outside the drop ship holding her hand when he felt the slightest squeeze, his eyes shot down to her face, her eyelashes fluttered and he called out for Clarke, they come rushing in right when she opens her eyes, she closes her eyes back, the light hurting her eyes, she groans and opens her eyes again

"Cassie, hey, how do you feel?" Clarke asks

"Like shit." She replies and they all laugh, Clarke sees Bellamy with a worried, sad, happy, and overall angry

"We gonna give you two some space." She says and they leave Bellamy and Cassie alone

"Hey." She replies

"You could have died."

"But I didn't."

"Your not leaving this camp without me ever again, do you understand?"

"Yes, bu-"

"No buts, you got hurt, it was my fault."

"Don't blame yourself for something you couldn't control."

"I can't sit here and look at you like this, you almost died, many times, and any hope I had that you would make it went away, I was so scared you would di-" he got cut off by her lips on his, it was just a quick peck, but it made him stop talking, he looked at her with wide eyes and slightly parted lips

"If that's all it takes for you to shut up I would have done it a wh-" now she got cut off by his lips on her, he puts his hands on her neck and kisses her deeply, she puts her hands on his and kisses him just as passionately, they part and he rests his head on hers

"I'm sorry." She whispers to him

"There's nothing to be sorry for, it wasn't your fault." He says back and pulls her in for a hug, he holds her there and closes his eyes, happy that she's alive

"I love you." She says tiredly

"I love you too, go to sleep, I'll be here when you wake up." He says and she nods and slips off into sleep, he picks her up bridal style and takes her to his tent and lays her down, he brushes the hair from her face and kisses her forehead, he lays down next to her after taking his boots and jacket off and drapes his arm over her waist, careful with her wound and closes his eyes for his much needed sleep after only having about seven hours of sleep within two weeks

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