scaredy cat (Bellamy Blake modern au)

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Bellamy usually gets home from word around fifteen minutes before his wife Mina does, Bellamy and Mina have the best relationship, they understand each other and can be themselves around the other, their goofy, always messing with each other and always play around, when they first started dating when they were around 18 he noticed she gets scared easily, she once got scared of a pile of clothes on a chair, he never let her forget it, and he also scares her a lot, and she hates it, so what does he do? Does it even more, he sees the headlights of her car and hides in the closet, a few minutes later he hears her walk into the room calling for him

"Bellamy?" She asks and walks past the closet and he jumps out and scares her, she screams and her body freezes, once she realizes its Bellamy she hits him on the shoulder a couple times

"Asshole! Your gonna give me a heart attack!"

"Sorry baby, you know I love scaring you." He replies and gives her a kiss

"I'm gonna get you back." She says and heads out the door to cook dinner

"Of course you are." He says

"What was that?"


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