the sandona twins (Bellamy Blake)

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Meri and Mina are fraternal twins, they were the only exception in the one child only rule since it wasn't their mother's fault, but they got arrested together for stealing rations to feed their sick mother, Meri and Mina are best friends, always have been, they finish each other's sentences, say the same things at the same exact time, and are sneaky, they sneak up on everyone and freak them out, then there's the Blake's, Bellamy and Octavia, Mina instantly liked Octavia and they started dating, Meri and Bellamy weren't so similar, they hated each other's guts, but for the sake of their sisters they out up with each other, it's another regular night and Meri and Mina walk hand in hand with each other to their group of friends beside the fire

"I'm telling you man, she likes you." They hear Murphy tell Bellamy

"Who likes who?" The twins ask at the same time right behind Monty, he screams and jumps away from them into harper's arms and everyone laughs

"Stop doing that!"

"Stop doing what?" They ask at the same time again

"That! That freaky shit you always do!" Monty says as he stands back up

"Sorry Monty." They both say

"Nevermind, just stop talking." He says, they sit down on a log, Mina beside Octavia and they cuddle together, they unhook their hands and Meri looks around the group at everyone, Raven is cuddled with Finn, Monty with Harper, Jasper with his girlfriend Anna, Meri looks to her left at Bellamy and speaks up

"You wanna take off our pants?" She asks looking back at all the couples

"Don't worry Mina, you'll find someone." Raven says

"Eh don't worry about it, I'm fine." She replies and waves her off, a few minutes later she gets up and stretches

"Alright, I'm gonna take a walk." She says and walks out the circle, as she walks she hears approaching footsteps, she turns around to see Bellamy catching up to her

"Any reason your following me Blake?"

"Just worried you'll die in a ditch with how clumsy and careless you are." He replies

"Is there a reason why you hate me? You get along perfectly fine with my sister."

"Yeah there's a reason." He snaps and takes a threatening step forward, she takes a step back as he continues to walk to her, soon her back presses against the drop ship and he walks right in front of her, he traps her there with his arms on either side of her

"Every boy here can't keep their eyes off of you and it drives me insane."

"Why do you care?"

"Oh Meri, you don't know the half of it." He says and dips down and kisses her neck while holding her waist, pining her against the drop ship, her eyes widen and her breaths quicken, she's never had her first kiss yet, let alone someone kissing her neck, and it's Bellamy Blake, he finds her sweet spot and she gasps as he leaves love bites all along her neck, his grip on her tightens and she closes her eyes, he stands back up at his full height and she opens her eyes and looks at him confused, her mouth opening and closing like a fish, he leans down and captures her lips in a kiss, her eyes flutter shut as he kisses her passionately, his tongue swipes over her bottom lip and when she doesn't open her mouth he grips her ass and she gasps, he takes this opportunity to stick his tongue in her mouth and they fight for dominance, she gets easily overpowered and his tongue explores her minty mouth, she's the first to break the kiss as she needs air, she takes a deep breath and he tucks a piece of hair behind her ear and kisses the corner of her mouth to her neck

"Bellamy, what am I to you? We hate each other and yet here you are kissing me, I'm not going to be another one of your one night stands."

"Of course your not, your mine." He says

"And are you mine?"

"Yes, I'm all yours." He says and takes her back to his tent for a night of fun

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