death of a brother (Bellamy Blake)

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⚠️ sad ⚠️

The day Wanda's brother, Finn, died was the worst day of her life, he was her best friend, the only one who understood her, the only family she had left, and he was gone, because of Clarke, she killed him, and Wanda hated her, Wanda had no one, so she went to alcohol to forget her pain, when he died she screamed, in pain, anger, but most of all, in sorrow, Bellamy watched as she was chipped away, little by little by the alcohol, she didn't sleep, she would wake up with nightmares, and she barely ate, she sat at the fire in a daze and drinking moonshine when Bellamy walked over and sat down next to her

"Maybe you should stop drinking." He says and reaches for her bottle, she pulls it away and glares at him and takes another swing and he sighs

"Wanda, you need to stop, your killing yourself, just talk to me." He says, but she shakes her head no, she leans her head onto his shoulder and tears fall from her face

"I didn't get to say goodbye." She says, then she breaks down, this was the first words she's spoken in weeks, he can see the bags under her eyes, he can feel the weight difference than before, Finn's death us killing her from the inside

"Finn would want you to move on, and live, not drink your pain away."

"I can't." She says and closes her eyes, he pulls her into a hug and she sobs into his chest, her whole body shaking

"I'm tired of everyone around me dying, I don't want to do this anymore." She says

"I don't either, life is cruel, it won't stop or go easy on anyone, it will break you down and kick you in the ass, life isn't about trying to avoid getting hit, it's about how hard we can get hit and get back up again, then life will swing again and again, until we're back on our knees, black and blue, you can be the biggest and toughest person on the world, and life will still kick you down, so all we can do, is take another step forward and live life the way we want."

"What u want is my. Brother back." She says

"I know, I'm sorry he was taken away from you, but you will see him again, in the next life or the one after that, maybe, this is how you will grow as a person." He says, finally taking the moonshine away from her hand, soon he feels her body go limp, he looks down to see her asleep, he picks her up and takes her to her tent and lays her down on the bed, he goes to leave but she grabs his hand to stop him from walking away

"Can you stay with me? Please? I don't want to have another nightmare." She says, he nods and takes off his jacket and boots and lays down beside her and she lays her head on his chest

"I'm sorry." She whispers to him, she wouldn't be surprised if he didn't hear her

"Why are you sorry?"

"For beings burden, I thought that maybe if I could get drunk enough I could forget him, but his face is burned into my memory, and I see him all the time."

"Your not a burden, I would have done the same I it were Octavia, and you would be here for me."

"I love you." She says

"Your drunk." He replies back

"I've never been more sober." She says and looks up at him

"Goodnight Wanda." He says

"I'm not tired." She says, he runs his fingers through her hair and her eyes flutter shut, trying to fight off the sleep, but eventually she can't keep her eyes open and she falls asleep in his arms

"I love you too." He whispers and kisses her head and closes his eyes and closes his eyes and goes to sleep

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