running for our lives (Bellamy Blake)

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Bellamy and Natasha were running as fast as they could with grounder chasing after them, spears and arrows fly beside them and one lands in her thigh, she cries out and falls to the ground, Bellamy stops running and rushes back to her and hauls her up and helps her run, they fall down a small cliff and presses their backs against it, there's a river down below about a hundred feet with a waterfall

"Jump." She says, he looks down at the water then back up to her

"Are you crazy? It could be shallow with rocks for all we know."

"Do you have a better idea? Look I'm bleeding out and there's not many options, either that or I hold them off while you run, your call Blake." She says, he sighs and pulls her to him

"Close your eyes." He says, she does and he pushes them off the cliff, they hit the water, Natasha tries to swim up but remembers she never learned, Bellamy grabs her arm and turns her around, he puts a finger up, telling her to wait, they swim under a rock above the water that would hide them and he pulls her up to the surface and she breathes in the much needed oxygen, the water around them turns red and her vision gets a bit dizzy and she starts to sink as she's using all her strength to stay afloat and Bellamy pulls her back up

"Hey hey hey, keep your eyes open, don't die on me, I still have to yell at you for getting us caught." He says

"I'm tired." She replies as her eyes droop, he looks back up to the too of the cliff to see the grounders gone, thinking they either died in the water or just don't want to go through all the trouble for two people, either way Bellamy pulls her out onto the shore, he snaps the arrow in half and lifts her up bridal style and rushes back to camp, the gates open for him and he feels her body go limp and her head slump against his chest, he rushes her to Clarke where she tries to keep her alive, he waits outside of the drop ship and hears her screams of pain as Clarke puts a hot blade against her thigh to close the wound and stop it from bleeding and getting infected, a few minutes later Clarke walks out with a small smile

"She's alive, just a little banged up." She says and allows him to enter the drop ship, he walks to where she's resting and combs his fingers through her hair, a few minutes later he hears her groan, he pushes her chest gently as she tries to get up

"Easy there tiger, you need to lay down before you hurt yourself." He says and she nods, soon Clarke walks in and takes off her bandage to put a new one on, Bellamy keeps his eyes on her long legs as she does and helps her out her pants back on

"Looks like your good to go, and for the next few days stay off your leg, I don't even want you to walk to your-" she cuts herself off as Bellamy picks her back up

"Tent." She finishes as Bellamy walks out

"Uh bell?" Natasha asks


"My tent is that way." She says pointing at the opposite direction of where he's going

"I know, we're heading to my tent."


"Someone needs to keep an eye on you, knowing you, you'd most likely stay in bed for five minutes tops."

"Hey, I can totally stay in bed for the next three days." She huffs out

"Sure you can." He replies and sets her down on his bed

"Goodnight Nat."

"Night bell." She responds and he goes to sleep on the hard floor

"What are you doing?" She asks


"Get your ass up here, I'm not just gonna steal your bed, and I want cuddles." She says, he chuckles and gets in beside her, she cuddles up to him and sighs

"Thanks for not leaving me."

"Of course, I could never leave the girl I love." He says and she sits up

"You love me?"

"I do." He replies, she smiles and kisses him, he pulls her down onto his chest and she lays her head over his heart and listens to it beat and soon they both fall asleep in each other's arms

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