dating Bellamy would include

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-him worrying about you 24/7

-him telling you he loves you all the time

-you saying you love him

-him scaring you all the time because your really jumpy, like, you would jump if you saw a pillow sitting up on the bed in your shared tent

-LOTS of PDA, he won't hesitate to wrap his arm around your waist or grab your butt or slap it or full on kiss you in front of everyone

-him protecting you all day everyday

-him nursing you back to health after you got sick from the sickness Murphy brought back

-you doing the same with him when he gets sick


-mind blowing sex

-him getting jealous easily

-which leads to jealous sex

-teaching you how to defend yourself and shoot a gun

-him loving you unconditionally

-you loving him with all your heart

-big height difference

-rough sex

-sensual sex

-you being best friends with Octavia

-him being happy that the two most important girls in his life get along really well

-you getting hit by an arrow by a grounder and his heart breaking when he sees you

-him not letting you out of his sight after the accident

-him being overprotective

-little to no arguments

-you always cave into whatever he says, but not every single time, sometimes you absolutely say no

-him wanting to see you after a long day of running the camp

-him always wanting to touch you(in a non sexual way)

-him being needy, he may look like a hard badass on the outside, but on the inside he's a big softie who needs your attention

-him doing whatever you want and following you around like a lost puppy

-him calling you 'baby' ' (n/n)' 'babe'

-him waking up and studying your face as you sleep in his arms

-him wondering how he got so lucky

-you wondering the same thing

-overall being in love with each pther

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