car accident (Bellamy Blake modern au)

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Mina was on her way to her boyfriend of two years, Bellamy, house and was stopped at a red light, soon the car was jerked forward, someone just rear ended her

"God damnit." She says, then she sees headlights coming from her right and turns to see a semi heading straight for her, it hits the car and it flips a couple times and lands upside down, with her unconscious

Bellamy was at his apartment waiting for Mina, she's about two hours late and he's getting worried, his phone rings and he picks it up to hear Octavia crying hysterically

"Octavia calm down, what's going on?"

"It's Mina, she was in an accident, I'm heading to the hospital right now." She says, Bellamy instantly gets up, outs his shoes, keys, wallet, and jacket on and rushes out the door to his car and rushes to the hospital, he gets there and runs into the building, he sees Octavia and rushes over to her, Lincoln came with her and she's still crying

"Is there any news on what happened?" He asked but they shake their heads no, he sits down beside her and his leg bounces up and down, Mina didn't have any family, she was out into foster care since she was a baby, so there's no one else coming to see her, a few hours later a doctor walks into the waiting room and calls out her name

"Mrs. Wilson?"

They instantly gets up and walks over to him

"How is she? Is she ok?" Bellamy asks

"She's alive, barely, we had to put her on a breathing machine, her lungs collapsed, she might not make it through the night, even if she does we don't know when or if she will wake up, I'm afraid to say." The doctor says

"Can I see her?" He asks, voice going soft

"We're getting a room ready for her right now, I'll let you know when you can see her." The doctor says and leaves, a few minutes later a nurse gets them and takes them to where Mina is staying

"Only one person can go in at a time."

"Bellamy should go." Octavia says, the nurse nods and allows him in and goes back to helping other patients, when Bellamy sees Mina his heart breaks, she has a tube in her nose, her face is beaten and bruised, her right arm is in a cast, and over all she looks dead, if not for the monitor beeping he would have thought she was dead, he sits down next to her and takes her hand in his hand he lets his tears fall

"I'm sorry, I am so sorry, I'd I didn't ask you to come over, you wouldn't be here, it's all my fault." He says, and she can hear him, she tries her hardest to open her eyes, flutter them, squeeze his hand, something to let him know she's here and shes listening, she can't tell the difference between night and day anymore, she's fully aware of what's going on around her, she can hear everything, feel everything, smell, but she can't open her eyes, her body's just not ready for it, she doesn't know how long she's been there, but she knows it's been a while, and almost everyday she can feel Bellamy talk to her and hood her hand, until the visits get less frequent, and then they just stop all together and her heart breaks, her mind made up that she was awake, she had imaginary friends, she couldn't tell reality and her imagination apart, it felt like forever until she felt Bellamy take her hand again

"I'm sorry I haven't visited in the last two years."

'ive been asleep for two years!?'

"But I just couldn't see you like this anymore, knowing that it was my fault that you might never wake up, and it kills me everyday, I can't go on anymore without you, please come back to me, I can't do this anymore." He says and hugs her, Bellamy kisses her forehead and she hears the door open, he left her, again, she doesn't know how long she's been moping in her mind before she finally tries to open her eyes again, she tries and tries and tries, u til finally, her eyes flutter, then she sees blinding lights, she closes her eyes again, she opens her eyes slowly and blinks a couple times, she looks around her room as doctors and nurses flood in

"Where am I?" She asks as she tries to get up, they gently push her back down and help her

"Welcome back Mrs. Wilson." A doctor says

"What? How long have I been here?"

"Four years Mrs Wilson, you took quite the nap." He replies

"I've been asleep, for- for two years?" She asks

"I'm afraid so, I'll call your family."

"I-i don't have a family."

"Really? There was this man that came here everyday for the first two years, then he stopped, but he came here last week, had curly brown hair."


"Yeah, do you want me to call him?"

"Yes." She replies and the doctor leaves the room

Bellamy was sitting in his apartment staring at his knuckles, this was what he did after he got home from work, he didn't interact with anyone besides his sister and her fiancé, he didn't go out, he felt like if he did he was betraying Mina, he put her in that bed and he's going out? He was about to fall asleep when a call interrupted him, he picked his phone and put it to his ear and a voice came through

"Mr. Blake?"

"Yes this is he."

"Hi, this is arkadia hospital, this is about Mina Wilson?" The woman says over the phone, he immediately gets up and outs his shoes on

"Yeah, is she ok?"

"She's awake, and she's asking for you." She replies

"Ok, thank you." He says and hangs up and rushes out the door and calls Octavia

"Pick up pick up pick up." He says to the phone

"Bellamy?" Octavia asks confused, he hasn't called her in four years, she's the one who calls him first

"It's Mina, she's awake, she's awake, minas awake." He says to the phone

"Ok, were on our way." She says and he hangs up the phone, he gets to the hospital and rushes inside to her room, he slows to a walk and enters the room, he sees her sitting up with a smile on her face talking to a nurse as she checks her vitals


"Bellamy." She replies with a smile on her face, the nurse leaves and he engulfs her in a tight hug and he cries into her shoulder

"You were asleep for so long."

"I know, I know, I'm here bell, I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." She says and he gives her a kiss

"I missed you." He says and hugs her again

"I missed you too, I remember everything, I could hear you, it broke my heart when you left for a while, but when you came back, it helped me wake up." She says

"I'm sorry, I'm never leaving you again." He replies and kisses her head, soon Octavia and Lincoln rush in, Octavia immediately hugs her

"Hi O."

"Hi Mina, oh how I've missed you." She replies

"Hey Mina, good to see you." Lincoln says after Octavia gets up and walks back to him

"Hey Lincoln, good to see you too."

"We're going to have to keep you here for a few days, since you haven't walked in four years you need physical therapy, that seems about it, if you need anything there's a button right here that will call a nurse." He says and walks out, soon it gets night time and Octavia and Lincoln leave to go home, Bellamy kept his eyes on her as she spoke to him

"I love you." He says and she stops talking smiles

"And I love you bell."

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