badass street racer (Bellamy Blake modern au)

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Mina Chou is a street racer, has been since she was fifteen, her parents moved to America from Vietnam when she was little, they were poor and needed a way to pay rent, Mina always had a gift for driving, so she became a street racer, never caught, she quickly learned the back roads to avoid police officers, even if there was some police cars coming, someone had a radio on their dispatch and always called out when the cops were coming, she was always the outcast in school, she had tattoos, resting face, always got into fights and rebelled against the stupidest rules, she got into a scuffle with the football team as they were bullying a kid who was half their size and she called them out, she was leaving school one afternoon when a baseball crashed through her back windshield, she turned around to see the entire football team smirking at her, everyone in the parking lot was looking at them, wanting to see their next move, she opened her car door and walked to the back of her car and looked at the damage

"You gonna pay for that? Cause I ain't."

"Nah, what are you gonna do about it anyways?" The quarterback asks making a kissy face, they start walking to her menacingly, she smirks and slides a wrench down her wrist and they stop walking

"Get even." She replies and gets back in her car and drives off, she waits a couple months so they forget, she replaces her wind shield, everyone forgets about the whole incident, but not her, she's going to get even, it's three months after she had to spend 300 bucks on a new back window and knows there's a party at a rich kids house and everyone's gonna be there, and everyone means the football team, she drives to the party and goes inside and gets a drink, she feels eyes on her so she turns around to see the rich kids older brother, he was a senior when she was a freshmen, now she's a senior and out for revenge, she raises her cup and takes a sip and looks away, she sees the football team flat out drunk, probably going to be forced to stay the night like most people here, she walks back out to her car, opens the trunk and gets her duffle bag and walks down the street where they parked their cars, they want to show off how rich they are so they brought all their cars, not sports cars, but definitely going out a dent in their wallet if something happened to it, she drops her bag and squats down to get out a sledge hammer, she puts safety glasses on and swings the hammer at the window, she's lucky the cars don't have alarms, she over heard the football team say they took the alarms out because 'whos dumb enough to break into our cars?' her, she's dumb enough, well, she's not breaking into the car, just getting revenge, and if she sees a wallet, she's gonna take it, she slams the hammer into the door creating a big dent as she hits, spray paints, keys, whatever it is to the cars she gets a visitor

"What they do to get you all pissed?" She hears a voice behind her, she swiftly turns around to see the rich kids older brother

"Smashed my ba k windshield."

"Wait, your that kid that almost beat the football team with a wrench?"

"How'd you know?"

"It's all over the internet, five million views." He says and shows her a video of them smashing her windshield, her getting out and talking to them, them walking to her, and her showing a wrench

"Yep, that's me, and if you don't mind I have work I gotta do." She replies and gets red spray paint out and draws a dick on the door

"What's your name?" He asks

"Mina, you?"


"That's a weird name." She says and walks to the hood and opens it, almost moaning at the engine

"Oh my god your beautiful." She says

"You got a weird fetish for car engines?" He asks sarcastically

"I wanna take you home." She whispers to the engine as she cuts some wires

"Woah, you tryna kill them?" He asks taking the players out of her hands

"What? No. I'm just cutting the air conditioning, it's gonna be miserable tomorrow." She says taking them back

"And the brakes are right here." She says pointing at the brake cables

"You really know your stuff." He says

"What, are girls supposed to be in the kitchen or making babies?" She asks with her hands on her hips

"No, I didn't mean it like that."

"I'm just kidding." She says and goes to the other messed up car and cuts the AC off

"Won't you get in trouble for doing this?"

"No, everyone forgot about them smashing my car in, and if I do I got nothing to lose, so it doesn't matter." She says cutting the cable and going to the next car, she cuts the last cable and stands next to Bellamy

"Hey get a picture of this." She says handing him her phone, she squats down and does the peace signs with her hands with her tongue out, he takes a picture and hands her the phone back

"Thanks side kick." She says standing up

"Me, the side kick, you like a foot and a half shorter than me."

"Uh yeah, I noticed, you want a medal? Thanks to captain obvious, I finally know that I'm a he's shorter than him, may all of us be in great debt to you captain obvious, whatever shall we do to repay you?" She asks, the last sentence in a deep voice

"Your number?"

"Wow Bellamy, aren't you like twenty five?"

"21 actually."

"Four years isn't that bad, fine." She says and he hands her his phone, she puts her number in and grabs her duffle bag

"I'll see you later side kick." She says walking away, he looks down at the phone and chuckles at the name

'side kicks booty call 😘💋'

"Yeah, see you later." He replies as she gets into her car and peels out and drives away

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