what only you can do

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Touch his hair, he loves whenever he's had a long day and would lay his head in your lap while you run your fingers through his hair


Wear his goggles, he loves how their too big on you and you look adorable


Calm him down and avoid a fight, only by being near you calms him down almost instantly


Help him with his engineering, your smartness matched his if not even more, you were both really good at what you do and he trusted you greatly


Only you can help him with tracking, you were also an excellent tracker and helped him out whenever he gets stumped


Only you could touch his antidotes without his permission, you grew up on farm station on the ark so you already knew what you were doing pretty well


Only you could touch him without consequences (except for his children, but before them) he didn't trust anyone else besides you, only you could hold his hand, touch his arm, hug him, kiss him, etc. You didn't mind though, more for you

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