sick (Bellamy Blake)

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Bellamy and Mina were supposed to go hunting today, but she's fifteen minutes late, thinking she's running a little behind he heads to her tent to tell her to hurry up, but once he opens the tent and sees her in bed and looks dead he rushes over to her

"Mina? Mina." He says and shakes her, she groans in response, he puts his hand over her forehead, she's burning  up, he picks her up and rushes her to Clarke where she checks her over

"She's having trouble breathing and her heat beat is slower than it should be." Clarke diagnosed and put a cool rag on her forehead

"Is there anything you can do?" Bellamy asks as he watches as she struggles to breath

"Pray to God she makes it through the night." She says

"We need to keep her hydrated." Clarke says and gets another clean cloth and puts it in water and opens her mouth slightly and lets the water drip in, she tilts her head back so she swallows it

"If anything happens, call me, but for now this is all I can do, it looks like pneumonia, but I'm not sure." Clarke says and climbs down the latter to the first floor, he brushes his fingers through her hair

"Please get better, I don't know if I can handle you not being with me." He says and kisses her head, he sets the rag again and puts it to her mouth, soon night falls and shes gotten worse, her fever went up again and she's struggling to breath even worse, every breath is draining her energy, and sometimes he has to shake her a bit for her to breathe again, soon she stopped breathing and he shakes her, but it didn't work, he put his ear to her chest and heard it fading away, he lifts back up and does chest compressions and mouth to mouth, soon she starts breathing again and he sighs in relief, the whole night he stays awake worried that this would be her last breath, when morning came he was exhausted, he told Murphy to go on a hunting trip with a group since he and Mina couldn't go yesterday, her breathing improved slightly and it gave him a boost of hope that she would make it, he gave her some more water and put a new rag over her forehead, her fever went down some, the next few days he spends taking care of her and getting little sleep, he would never forgive himself if she died while he slept, so he got about thirty minutes each night And the lack of sleep was getting to him, he would slur his words, day dream, he was slow, and could barely walk without getting lightheaded soon she got out of her half conscious state and opened her tired eyes

"Bellamy?" She asks as she sees him in a daze, he snaps out of it and looks at her with a small smile

"Hey, how you feeling?"

"Tired, I got a killer headache." She replies, she notices the bags under his eyes and his tired figure

"Bellamy, when was the last time you slept?"

"Last night."

"And how long was it?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Yes it does, how much sleep did you get?"

"Ten minutes." He replied

"Bellamy, why did you do that to yourself?"

"Because I couldn't live with myself if you died whike i was supposed to protect you." He says and she puts her hand on his cheek, he closes his eyes and leans into her touch, Clarke climbs up the ladder and smiles

"Hey, your awake, you were out of it for a couple days, glad to have you back, but it looks like your still a little sick, so your gonna have to stay in bed for the next couple days, and you might be a bit hungry, here, it'll be soft on your stomach." Clarke says and hands her some berries that would settle her stomach

"Thanks Clarke." Mina says

"And you might wanna stay with someone who would volunteer to stay with you, in case you need someone, right Bellamy?" Clarke asks as she looks at Bellamy

"Yeah, she can stay with me." He replies and they get up and walk down the ladder, once Mina puts her feet on the floor he carefully picks her up bridal style and walks out the drop ship with her in his arms, people look over at them and whisper to each other, he walks into his tent and lays her down on the bed, he goes to sleep on the floor but she grabs his hand

"Lay with me?" She asks, he smiles and nods and lays down next to her and gets his much needed sleep with the girl he loves in his arms

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