sad life (Bellamy Blake)

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Meri has been an orphan since she was seven, her parents were floated for stealing medicine for her, she was sick and they couldn't afford medicine, she was lucky and got better, but she never forgave herself, she had no one, she had no friends, no family, she was invisible, she was depressed, she bottles her emotions inside with an emotionless face, she hasn't smiled since her parents died and that was ten years ago, she was walking down the hall to go back home as a bully was tormenting her

"Y'know, I'm glad your parents are dead, they wouldn't have to see what a disappointment you are, it's your fault their dead." She kept on and Meri had enough, she turned around and punched her in the face, she climbed on top of her and punched her over and over again until someone pulled her off and put her in cuffs, that's how she ended up in the skybox and now down on earth, she was good at being stealthy and quiet, that's why she was recruited into hunting, she didn't speak often, only when she was spoken to, which wasn't a lot, Bellamy grew to love her, she was beautiful, kind, and quiet, he saw the trauma in her eyes and wanted to take the pain away, but he couldn't do anything to help her, he didn't know she had anxiety, he didn't know she was depressed, she was at a fire looking into it when Bellamy sat beside her

"I've always wondered what it was like to have a family." She said without talking to him and he kept quiet, he noticed the jar of moonshine in her hands and saw that she was most likely drunk

"Me too."

"No you don't, you have Octavia, the whole camp at your feet, and I'm just the orphan, I don't even know why I'm here anymore." She says as tears fall down her face

"Don't say that, look, I need you." He says and crouches down in front of her

"I don't even remember who they were." She says and hot tears fall down her face

"I'm sorry that happened to you, were your family now."

"I don't have a family Bellamy, I'm alone, and I don't want to be alone anymore, it hurts, this right here." She says and guides his hand to her heart

"It feels empty and I just want it full again, I want to feel loved again, and I'm tired, I'm so tired, I just want the emptiness to end, please make it stop." She says and pulls him into a hug as she cries in his shoulder, he never knew she felt this way, she's always so quiet, he sits back down and pulls her to his lap, soon she cries herself to sleep and he takes her to his tent and lays her down in his bed and lays down next to her

The next morning he wakes up with her head on his chest, the morning light glowing down on her, making her look like an angel, a few seconds later her eyes flutter and she opens her green eyes, she looks around the tent and sits up, she looks down at him and sees his shirtless chest, her eyes widen and she looks at her clothes and sighs in relief

"No, we didn't do anything last night, Meri, are you ok?" He asks concerned, remembering what she said last night

"Yeah, I'm fine why wouldn't I be?"

"Last night, you opened up to me." He says and her smile disappears from her face

"Are you ok? No bullshit, you said that you felt empty and wanted the void in your heart to be full again."

"It was me being drunk, just forget about it." She whispers to him, looking down at her hands in her lap

"Drunk man's words speak a sobers man's mind." He says

"Just forget about it."

"No, tell me what's wrong, are you ok?"

"Yes I'm fine, please leave me alone."

"Meri, you need to tell me if your ok."

"NO IM NOT OK!" She snaps at him and gets up, she pulls her boots on and rushes out of the tent, Bellamy puts his shirt on and follows her out, it was early in the morning and barely anyone was awake

"Meri, where are you going?" He asks as he follows her out the camp

"Somewhere else, it's suffocating here, I see everyone with friends or lovers, or you with Octavia and all I wish is for me to have something, someone like that! It breaks my heart even more seeing girls exit your tent almost every morning because I am so in love with you it hurts." She says and walks off, Bellamy stands there stunned before he snaps out of it and runs after her, he catches her wrist and pulls her to face him and slams his lips onto hers and cradles her cheeks with his hands, she kisses him back and puts her hands on his

"I'm in love with you too."

"Then why? Why sleep with half the girls in camp."

"I wanted to ignore my feelings, I thought loving you would make me vulnerable, but all this time it's all I've been, I can't live without you, I'm sorry I pushed you like I did, I'm sorry I didn't notice you hurting, I'm sorry for a lot of things, I'm sorry." He says, his voice softening at the end of his sentence, she gives him a sad smile and kisses him again

"I just realized something." She says as he wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her closer to him


"I finally have what I've always wanted."

"And what's that?"

"A home."

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