memorized (Bellamy Blake)

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Whenever Miller goes hunting with his group he always brings Meri along with them because she has photographic memory and never gets lost, she stays in the back until they need her, this time Bellamy came along with them, wondering how they're always the first group back by at least thirty minutes, then he finds out why, they have Meri, the girl who forgets nothing, she comes in handy when they go somewhere far and forget which way they came from, Bellamy was walking a few places behind Meri

"Hey Meri we need you up here!" Miller yells from the front

"I was wondering how long it would take you to figure out were going the wrong way." Meri says

"We were going the wrong way and you didn't tell us?" Murphy asks

"Relax, I was gonna stop you before we got too far, now come on, we'll be there in fifteen minutes." She says and walks in the other direction and bumps into Bellamy

"Sorry." She says and walks past him, and about fifteen minutes later they saw the outlines of the camp, they walked in through the gates and put their catches in the meat hut, Bellamy sees that Meri is about to walk into the drop ship so he walks over to her

"Pretty cool how you can remember everything." He says from behind her, she turns around and nods her head

"Without you the boys would probably be gone for a week before they realize they went the wrong way." He says

"Yeah, thanks." She says and goes to walk into the drop ship but he grabs her forearm and she whips around

"Is there something I did?"

"What do you mean?"

"You avoid me like the plague."

"Probably because I don't like you."

"We'll see soon enough princess."

"I'm not a princess." She huffs out and storms off, she's adorable when she's mad, and now Bellamy has a mission, to get Meri to fall in love with him

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