babysitter (Murphy)

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Being Bellamy and Octavia's younger sister has it's perks, people don't mess with her, she gets extra rations, she doesn't have to do as many chores, everyone's nice to her, but there's also a downfall, she can never be alone, there's always someone watching her, she can never leave the camp, which sucks because she wants to explore, she can't hold a gun, she can't hold a spear or any weapon, she can't learn to defend herself, her being only a year younger than Octavia, 16, shes treated as a baby, probably because she's so innocent and short, she has the tannest skin of all the siblings, but the one thing that annoys her the most is John Murphy, he always tries his hardest to annoy Trini, one day Bellamy, Octavia and a few others were going out hunting

"You guys are going hunting? I wanna come too."

"No, absolutely not." Bellamy replies

"That's not fair, Octavia gets to go."

"Because she knows how to defend herself and use a weapon."

"Because you let her, you never let me do anything!" She yells and storms off, as she walks away she hears Bellamy talk to Murphy

"Don't let her leave camp, and no one touches my sister, if they do they answer to me."

She rolls her eyes and continues walking to her tent, she hears approaching footsteps and Murphy call out

"Where you going princess?"

"I'm not a princess, and I'm going to my tent because it seems like the only place I can go in this prison."

"It's not a prison, Bellamy just wants to protect his sister." He replies as they enter her tent

"And I get that, but I want to have some freedom, I don't even know what the forest looks like beyond the gates." She says and sits down

"Just, don't be too hard on Bellamy, he's trying his best, your his youngest sister and he's going to be over protective over you, wouldn't you do the same? And besides, since Bellamy's gone we can do other things." He says with a smirk

"Your disgusting."

"I was talking about thumb war, so technically your the disgusting one." He says and sits down on her bed, they play for a bit until she gets bored

"I'm bored." She says with her face in her pillow

"Right well I'm gonna leave it to you, I gotta go, Bellamy will kill me if I don't work on the wall." He says and leaves the tent, she rolls onto her back and looks at the tent ceiling, she sits up quickly with an idea, on the south part of the wall is a little hole she can fit through without being noticed, so she gets up and sneaks to the south wall, she crawls under the hole and gets back up, she heads into the woods following a glowing blue butterfly, soon she sees other blue butterflies and lightning bugs, there's glowing blue algae growing on the trees and it's even more vibrant at night, the sun starts setting and she goes to walk back to camp but doesn't know the way back, she starts looking around and hears a twig snap, she looks in the direction of the noise and fears the worst until Murphy pops out and she sighs in relief

"What are you doing out here?"

"Uhhhh, nothing." She replies

"Your not aloud out here."

"I know, but I just wanna explore, I've never been out of camp and it's suffocating in there." She says as he walks closer to her

"Isn't it pretty?" She asks looking around

"Yeah, it is." He replies, cupping her cheeks with his hands, she looks back over to him as he leans in and kisses her, his lips leave hers before she can respond, her eyes are wide and she has the cutest surprised face

"Your adorable, you know that?"

"I'm not adorable." She replies, he laughs and kisses her again, this time she kisses him back

"Alright, let's get back to camp before Bellamy has a heart attack." He says, taking her small soft hand in his big, calloused one and heads back to camp, when they enter though the gates Bellamy runs over and hugs her tightly, he checks her for any scratches or bruises

"Why did you leave camp? There's grounders out there and you have nothing to defend yourself against him."

"Relax, Murphy came and got me before anything happened."

"I told you to keep an eye on her."

"Yeah it's kind of hard when you want me to build a wall."

"Next time don't leave her side, I don't want her stepping a foot outside these gates, do you hear me?"

"Bellamy, I'm almost an adult, stop treating me like a child, I just want some freedom, I hate that there's a whole world out there and I'm stu k in a little camp, even worse that I have to have a babysitter, just let me be free, please."

"Fine, but you have to go with Murphy and not far, Murphy, I hope you know that if she gets as much as a scratch on her me and you are gonna have some problems."

"Aye aye captain." Murphy replies sarcastically

"No funny business." He says pointing between the two of them as he walks away, Murphy walks her back to her tent and they walk in

"Goodnight princess." He says and kisses her

"I told you I'm not a princess."

"No but your my princess, get some sleep, were going exploring tomorrow." He says and exits the tent so she can sleep, Trini smiles to herself, she gets to go outside And Murphy likes her back, it was a good day

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