Chapter 3, Let me down slowly by Alec Benjamin

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Phil knew who the man was as soon as he walked out of the kitchen, the boy was tall but his youth was still shinning in his face and eyes. The dull look at his face really added to it as well. As he sat the boy down and spoke to him, Phil got so many more questions and got attached.

He watched the young vigilante speak to Ranboo the newest hero and be convinced to come, Phil didn't want to in prison the boy or harm him. His goal was to get him to a better place and keep him safe, damn his bird instincts.

Now he sat at the table with Dream across from him, he was trying to reason why this boy needed help "the boy needs someone, he clearly isn't ok"
Dream sighed at that simple thought "Phil he is a vigilant, the only reason you would 'take him in' is to take him to jail"
"Enough. You can't have every kid you find, I let you keep that other one but not this one"
Philza stood up while staring daggers at Dream. "You just lost all respect, Techno is my son and hopefully Whisper will be too." Without waiting for Dream to reply he walked out insuring to slam the door behind him.

Techno knew how to get information quickly, he had Tubbo. The boy was so into nukes that he could hack into just about every website and get anything he wanted. It wasn't a surprise that by the end of the first day Tubbo walked up to him and gave him a folder filled with information about this Whisper person.
"Thanks, your nuke is in the other room. Micheal was interested in it" Techno gave a quick short answer while skimming through the folder.
The panic in Tubbo's eye almost made techno smile "He what??!?!?" before bolting off to go protect his precious son.

Whisper or WIlbur is very strange Techno decided. The man had so much info about his childhood, but barely anything after the age of 12. Parents died when he was 5, ran away from the orphanage at 12, and nothing ever since. He's around 16 if the birthday is correct. Way too young to be running around the streets away from a family. For only practical reasons, Techno swore to protect Wilbur with his life. This boy went through hell and back just like him, though he still doesn't have Phil in his life. That had to change.

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