Chapter 7, no one else was in the room where it happened by Hamilton

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TW/ Violence, Gun, Child Abuse

Captain was alone, she was supposed to protect Halo and Swirl and now all of them were trapped. She failed everyone and had no clue how to fix it. The boy was safe which was a good thing, Puffy wasn't surprised that Eret wanted the boy but why his army went for all of them she didn't know. Smile was still a dick, nothing new but surprisingly Horn and Coin looked heartbroken to see her. She honestly wished they would start to cry but before that they knocked out the 3 boys and held her at gunpoint. What fun this was, everything was taken from her and her scars showed more than ever and she did almost nothing to stop it.

She sat in silence for almost 5 hours before Horn Came back. He stood outside her cell silently with different emotions in his face.
“Schlatt spit it out, you have been doing this all day.” She gave up caring for the silence.
“Puffy, I hate seeing you like this, I hate being on different sides of these bars with you on the wrong side.” He lowered his head to the point where his curly horns were just barley in reach. She stood up with only her foot chained to the floor and grabbed his horn, she pulled into the cell making his head hit the bars. The crash from the horns could be heard around the cell but her voice was just barely a whisper.

“You picked your life,” she said while pulling harder on the horn. “I picked mine, my goals might be different. But my heart isn't” She threw a punch at his head and threw his horn back at him. Schlatt was pissed beyond belief. He was about to pull out his gun when Eret bursted into the room
“What is happening here?!?!” He yelled out quickly coming to Schlatt, Puffy threw herself into a wall and made it look like she was the innocent one. She was a villain once, she remembers how to act.

“She was threatening me, I was just teaching her a lesson” Horn said it like it was the most obvious thing ever. Eret had to disagree.
“She looks like you beat her into a cookie dough ball, I saw you grabbing for your gun. Leave, I'll deal with you later.” Horn was about to fight her when a gun was fired from somewhere else in the building. Both froze and horn bolted out of the room leaving Eret standing alone in front of Captain’s cells she heard a faint whisper “I’m not brave enough for this.” before Eret quickly followed.

Puffy found something out, Eret was weak. Meaning their whole team was as well.

Halo was missing, Diamond was freaking out. His world was Halo in a sense and that call destroyed him so badly. Techno basically carried him back to the base; he was stiff like stone, stuck in a time loop of the words Philza told him. Halo was taken from him, his world was taken from him in a heartbeat.
“Skeppy hear me?” Techno repeated the phrase again as he was trying to talk to him. Unlike the other times he got a response.
“He's gone, isn't he?” Skeppy asked quietly. It was like the roles had reversed as techno did not respond to that. By the time they got back to the tower, Skeppy had crystals streaming down his face, he was crying. Philza was sitting in the meeting room with Warden, Fox, Rose, Punk, Totem, FireAnt, Split, Bee, and Child. Punk and Totem looked like they were about to cry while Bee was on his computers going 100 mph. Techno opened up the door still holding Diamond in his arm, the 20 year old was curled up so small against his arms.
"Diamond, how are you holding up?" Rose asked first, she was always ready to get straight to the point with everything. As techno set the somewhat moving Diamond to the ground he croaked out
"So fucking great, just amazing"
"Wasn't expecting any other answer from you, you wanna be here for this or na?"
"No, I don't want to see anyone right now, especially-" Skeppy couldn't finish his sentence as Rose covered his body with vines, slightly tightening the one over his vocal cord so he couldn't talk.
"I didn't ask for details." She said before dragging him out of the room.
The last thing he heard was a faint yell from Bee
"I found them!!"
Every inch of his body hurt, his vision was so blurry that he couldn't move without hitting something. He made a faint cry and heard a voice almost instantly

"Whisper, be silent, be asleep, please for just a little longer. " Captain spoke in such a small voice but he could hear her. Nothing was making sense anymore, why was a hero talking to him? He continued  to lay there before he heard a crash that was super close to him. He shot up to be greeted by chains keeping him down. Now the panic really set in, it didn't help when a hand was laid on his head. His month wasn't covered so he instantly went to bite the hand, a villain’s fight or flight response was always too reactive so it wasn't a surprise when he got smacked right in the face. Whisper's body froze solid, his mind was racing so fast that he didn't even realize that the hand was back on his face. He heard a small voice mocking and a laugh but no more harm came to him, he quickly learned that they aren't afraid to harm him. Then his blindfold was removed, the world was so bright but that wasn't his concern. It mainly was the 3 villains standing over him. One was smiling while the others looked sorry. The smiling one laughed and simply said
“You learned your lesson already, good job. You will be of good use here.”
WIth every inch of his body he hated this, Tubbo was the second youngest member of the heroes team, they gave him the code name Bee when he was 15, Still he isn't allowed to be out and around until he turns 18. He doesn't complain as instead he has time to code and hack into things, his ability to understand things and fly really help him out when it comes to his current job. Finding people is the most difficult thing to do but he enjoys doing it, when it comes to villains hiding it becomes a whole day task.

It took him 5 hours 34 minutes and 33 seconds to find the Swirl because the man always has something on him mto track. This time it was his digital compass that gave him away, he figured out which was north from him and it went uphill from there. It was one of the easiest times. He called out in the middle of the meeting as soon as he found him and happily buzzed as Philza looked over the work, Warden looked impressed and gave the boy a simple nod (the most he has ever given him). Phil had to calm the boy down and still had to send him away for another job. He was 17 for crying out loud, Tommy turned 18 3 days ago and he was already being sent on simple missions. He instantly went to his room and locked the door. He hated the rule so much and just wished they would make an expectation for him. They never have and probably never will as the boy stopped aging 3 weeks ago. How could he break the news to them that he will never turn 18, that he was supposed to die like a bee? They may never know until it's too late.

That might not be a bad thing, honestly.

Philza didn't know how to break things to people clearly, as he straight up just told them that they couldn’t go after them all right away. They would 100% be outnumbered and there would be too many people at risk of being hurt. Nothing could help as he was already refusing to send out his youngest members and some people who would be too emotional during it, they needed to have a clear mind so that they could even have a chance in the first place. After removing all of those people he was left with 3 people who even had a chance of being able to go. 3 people can't win a fight against close to 20 people, they wouldn't be alive to tell the tale.

No one agreed with him, they all thought they would be perfectly fine to go but he didn't listen. His words were always final with these kinds of situations. If he listened then it could go horribly wrong so fast. This was Traitor and his team they were talking about. They had some of the most cared out people under their fingers that they had no way of reaching. Philza couldn't handle them fighting like this and sent them all to their rooms. Techno sat in his normal coner just watching him silently, he always seemed to know what to do.
“Tec, did I do the right thing?” He asked him quietly
“I think so, they would disagree with me though.”
“I'm just trying to protect them.”
“You're trying to protect everyone, news flash. Might not work the greatest.”
Philza did not respond, Techno was right he couldn't protect everyone because someone will always get hurt. He couldn't help everyone, but he could make his own people safe. He would stick by his words for now, No one would be going after them.

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