Chapter 8 Jublie line by Wilbur Soot

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TW/ Manipulation, :)

He was going after them, Tubbo believed everything that Tommy told him. Tommy told him that Philza said it was ok, so it was ok for him to do. Tubbo didn't want anyone else to find out that he was leaving so he quickly got dressed. His yellow and black outfit really fit with his wings, there is a reason people give him the name Bee. His black mask was nowhere to be found so he stole Splits black and white mask, close enough. He was finishing up in the bathroom when he spilled on his water spill. He saw the small blood amount starting to grow and instantly started to run.

To Techno he was family, that means he already knew Tubbo was hurt. That became clear when he heard Techno’s sole running right at him with the sound of Philza gasping for breath coming right behind. Tubbo didn't hesitate as he jumped out the window trying his best to fly low, it wasn't long before he heard philza jumping out the window right after him. Apparently brain injuries are more dangerous than Tubbo thought as his vision went black. He heard a small scream from Techno before everything went silent.

Wilbur can’t take it anymore, these people have been coming into his cell and yelling at him for random things or asking him questions. The only one he likes is the green one but they only come with the eye scar one. The one with a mask is terrifying and watches him silently, if he talks he gets smacked so WIlbur sits in a corner silently. Each one wants him to do different things and it's so difficult to remember them all.

You deserve what they are doing to you :)

No, he doesn't. Does he? NO he doesn't because he didn't ask to be kidnapped or be forced into any of this or be chased by heros.

You chose to be a villain. :)

He… did.
He deserved this didn't he? NO YOU DON’T
Yes you DO


Yes :)


It's so loud…
Honestly, it hurt Eret to watch. Captain was having a breakdown, she felt all of his pain and couldn’t do anything about it. Smile was having a blast with his new play toy, he refused to tone it down. Eret has had to step it so many times when Captain started to scream, Horn now has to keep watch of them and make sure Smile doesnt push it too far (he still does). He didn't think anything of it until he heard BOTH Horns and Captain scream.
"What is happening?" She burst through the door to see that Halo broke through the power bracelet and was holding Smile by his neck. Captain was being held by Horn who wasn't trying to step in between Halo and Smile.
"Leave it" Horn whispered, petting the Captain's hair as she was shaking in pain.
"Start talking or I will"
"Dream pushed Whisper too far and he finally spoke. Dream got pissed and went to stab the kid when Halo broke out and stopped him. I'm not interfering with that." Horns flinched as the captain bit his leg, she was really out of it from the pain. Eret looked at halo whose eyes were solid black all the pain that Dream made Whisper feel Dream was feeling himself. Eret almost didn't want to interfere but he sadly had too.

“Halo put him down,” HIs voice was harsh but that was more aimed at Dream. “I'll handle him, don’t worry” Halo paused, the hero had the villain in his hands, his reach, his control. It would be easy to just take him out. They both knew that but at the same time, they both knew that it wouldn’t end well for anyone. Halo released Dream, dropping him almost 6 feet to the ground. He was gasping for breath but no one cared enough as Horn was calling Captain down as she finally wasn't in pain. Halo was protectively watching Whisper. Eret walked over to Dream, grabbed his arm and dragged him out while yelling at Horn to get everyone back to their cell. He was over everyone today.

Tommy was going to be in deep shit, he told Tubbo that it was ok to go out and find them. The only reason they got the boy was because he slid and it drew blood. Tubbo is now passed out of the hospital wing because of a head injury. Techno also found Coin and Smile wandering around trying to find someone or something, he of course knocked them both out and dragged them inside. Locking both of them up away from each other before letting philza know. Techno was sent to go find Tommy and lock him in his room before he headed down to the cells to find Coin and Slime awake and in a cell together, neither were trying to break out or fight so he didn't mention it. He cleared his throat and both looked up at him, Coin had a few more scars and Slime looked like he was having the time of his life.
“Wanna explain mate?”
“Can I, can I?” Smile stood up and slid through the bar standing right in front of Philza happily giggling. Coin stood up and grabbed Slime pulling his back through the bar quickly guiding him to a sitting position in a corner within a few seconds.
“Sorry, he has the mental mindset of a 3 year old.” Coin quickly explained as Slime shifted in a small slimeball and launched himself into Coin’s hair where he sat.
“Quite alright, I get it, kids are a handful. Now start talking” He didn't mean to sound so rude but Coin was still a villain.
“Right well, for starters. Traitor doesnt know I'm here. She would also be pissed if you told him so please don’t. Secondly, Please come get them. I understand if you're hesitant but the kid is getting worse by the day and Smile is torturing him which is causing Captain to be in pain and it's just… hard to watch. I’m here to help you because I can’t keep watching. '' Philza was shocked, he froze where he stood until he turned and saw Techno standing in the door with a hand on his sword. His face was harsh but his words were clear with his goal
“Where are they, how many guards, how defended?”
Coin looked shocked at his words but he started to answer all the questions.

It was finally quiet, everyone was given drugs to help them sleep through the night and the guards were silently watching. Horns was sent to his room for the night after visiting the nurse for his injuries. While everyone else were either out on patrol or chilling with each other. Eret had everyone come to him before they left or went somewhere just to be on the safe side, they all followed that rule closely until they started hearing rumors that they couldn't find Slime or Coin. Surprisingly, Dream was the first to come to him. His face was covered with bandages and blood. She was happy that he finally learned a lesson and that he was willing to tell her that they were missing. He sent Gold, Arson, and Thunder out to go look for them. That left Horn and Smile both still here, good. After sending Smile to the hospital to get cleaned up and sending someone to check on Horn, they finally had a moment to sit down and do some much needed work.

2 hours. That didn't even last 2 hours before he was rudely rang by Philza Mincraft himself. They put their computer away and picked the phone.
“Evening, Philza.”
“Hey mate, just calling to check on the kids. A few people wanted me to call” She heard small footsteps trying to jump and get the phone along with a small voice winning at him.
“We both know why that isn't happening, they are fine just out cold. If you ever see them again, work on Halos anger issues along with Captain. Swirl hasn't even woken up yet so don't even ask about him. Have a horrible evening, but say hi to the kid for me.'' With that, he hung up the phone. Philza was trying to use the kid as a reason to call but it was clearly for his own benefits. That poor kid, at least Eret, had the standards not to use a kid (we just gonna ignore Whisper being a kid).

He felt like he owned kids as Arson burst through the door partly on fire, she quickly picked up the fire extinguisher and put it out within seconds.
“We have some bad news”

The Music That Could KillTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon