Chapter 14 Abandoned Ship by Fin

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Tw: mention of knives and wantiing to not use it on food, panic attack

He wasn't given enough time to run, not enough time to even get one of the power bracelets fully off. Tubbo spent 3 days with him before he had to work on things. When Whisper was told about the training he was livid. He told Phil to hand him a knife to use, he was very quickly denied and given a guard 24/7. Techno entered his room the next day, his normal royal-like hero outfit was changed to a dark red hoodie and black pants. He still had a belt of weapons to probably inflict fear to the kid.

Whisper was taken to a training room, it was the largest room he had ever seen. The walls were high and covered with safety mats while the floors had areas with fighting mats. Eret was sitting in a corner faced away from the door, they were clearly digging through something without any care for who else was in the room. Techno cleared his throat which caused Eret to turn around. Her outfit was a long sleeved red shirt with black leggings for bottoms. She had a pair of solid black sunglasses on with golden chains dangling from the sides. She smiled and held out a hand for Whisper who quickly took a step back into a half correct fighting stance, his second nature that could quickly turn things into something dangerous. Techno and Eret shared a glance before he quickly left and locked the huge door behind him, leaving Whisper and Eret in the same room. When the door closed Whisper realized something very quickly, there was nowhere to hide.

Seeing the way Eret spoke and worked with the young boy was both comforting and terrifying. Phil watched the man sit down getting onto his level and let the boy try to get a punch in on him, Whisper got 2 hits in but as Phil watched he saw how comfortable and focused the boy was with missing. He wasn't going for hits or kills, he was going for the fun of it. When he got tired out and sat down next to Eret, she corrected him and gave him advice and tips. Whisper didn’t get upset by that, he was nodding his head. When Eret stood up, Whisper reacted like he normally would. Eret did not react, he held out his hand for the boy without hesitation. Whisper didn't accept the hand, instead standing up by himself.

Phil didn't interfere for the 2 hours they worked together. The power bracelets stayed on but Whisper seemed to be trusting Eret more as the man never hit or hurt him once. The kid was still unsure of everything but clearly felt comfortable with the fighting which was a worrying sign to Phil. When the 2 hour timer got done Techno walked into the room to collect the boy from Eret, Whisper instantly was ready to fight as he put a leg back following every correction Eret gave him. Techno smiled but didn't move until Eret cue.
"Call it when you're down, begin."
Whisper called it 10 minutes later, he held up a good fight but in the end on one could win a fight against Techno. He was completely out of breath so he was picked up and carried back to his cell. When they left, Eret calmly started to pick up the room. They had made a small mess from the training so it was the proper thing to do.

Philza flew down from his perch to help the other clean up. He also wanted to talk to her about how it went. Apparently Eret is still very good at reading expressions because she spoke first.

"You can start cleaning over there. The training went fine, I know your concerns about how comfortable he is with fighting but that's from years of doing it. You know how to walk from years of relying on it just like he knows how to fight from years of relying on it."
"How do you always know what I'm going to say mate?" He chuckled and started to pick up.
"Your face is very readable and your predictable after a while"
“That's understandable, Techno says the same thing”
“I learned from the best.” Eret spoke softly as she finished cleaning things up. Phil finished shortly after and both stood there for a few minutes. What would you say to someone you haven't spoken too since the betrayal? The world was silent with them before just like the first time, Eret left.

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