Chapter 4, Fire Drill by Melanie Martinez

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Phil was worried about the young boy. It was almost night and he still hadn't arrived. He knew Techno was also silently worried about him, he had gotten used to hiding it but the way his tusks twitched at every little noise really showed. After Tech sent Tubbo and Ranboo to Whisper's apartment they have been wanting silently ever since. Ranboo Could teleport but the boy was so stressed all of the time that he couldn't, Tubbo didn't have any powers but he had horns and a very weird obsession with nukes. They were the perfect match in a sense that truly Philza wasn't worried about them. Techno was about to speak up when the phone In the middle of the table started to ring, making them both jump. Phil looked at the caller idea before slightly gasping. It was a call from Tubbo's cell

He never called them...

Well this could have gone worse and better, honestly it was a pretty good deal in Tubbo's eyes. They were both knocked out before even entering the stairwell and he woke up alone chained to a wall. The room was pitch black and almost dead silent but he could faintly hear the sounds of someone hyperventilating, he was extremely unsure if that was Whisper or Ranboo. He founded out very quickly when from farther way he heard a very panicked scream from ranboo who was trying to find out where he was. The dude hated dark spaces so that wasn't a surprise. What worried him was the instant scrambling and running to ranboo's cell with a very colorful language being heard as he ran. Boy does Tubbo wish he had a nuke or two.

He lost track of time when the man came into his cell, dude looked more stressed out then Tubbo was (though both were trying to hide it). The kid walked over and took the gag out of his mouth before standing back up and starting to speak
"Listen before you speak, I really don't want to hurt you. Why are you here, wait how did you find my address? How did you get inside?" The dude sounded like he was on the verge of a panic attack. So tubbo tried to defuse the situation
"Breathing is kinda important dude. I dont have the answers you want I'll be honest, we were asked to be here" Tubbo tried to calm him down, He isn't good at it
"What do you mean sent here? Who sent you? I need to talk to them" Yeah, that didn't help
"You can get my phone, it's in my-'' He got rudely interrupted by the man dropping to his knees and digging to find his phone.
"What's the name?" the man was actually going to call them
Hiding a smile he replied "Nuke holder"
The man surprisingly didn't react to the name; he just left the room to go make the call.
WIlbur honestly was losing the patience for people stressing him out. First meeting philza now these two strange children try to get to him, claiming that they have been sent to him. Then one of the kids told him to call up 'nuke holder'. He didn't know what was worse. So he simply ringed the number and took a deep breath
"Hey mate, what's up?" Philza freaking minecraft spoke to him on the other side of the line. Wilbur froze. These kids knew Philza, one called him his freaking nuke holder? What was happening to him?! He tried his best to compose himself before replying
"Hello... Philza Minecraft, it seems like your boys found me." his voice sounded so shaky he hated it
"Ah yes, well clearly you have his phone mate. Listen if we could just trade the kids back that would be amazing"
Wilbur was in shock, trading the kids back? After all of this he just wants them back, they know where he lives and everything about him. EIther way he would have to move to a new place but he couldn't even afford to live here, let alone somewhere else.
"Give... them back? GIve them back?!" he practically yelled in disgust "You sent two kids to come find me and just want me to give them back to you, they have so much information about me now that sending them back would harm me no matter how much you pay me. I should just, wipe their memory and then send them back if that's what you want so badly" He was starting to lose himself down the spiral of panic, his voice was cracking and sounded like he was about to cry.
"Mate I understand that we screwed up but they are just kids." WIlbur wanted to scream so was he but he chose not to. "If you don't want anything for them then that's fine."
Wilbur spoke so softly that he could barely hear himself "I will message you on this phone by the end of the night with my choice, come find them and they will never see you again." without waiting for a reply he hung up and dropped to his knees crying. His life was over, this is it.

Phil was being held back by Techno at this point, the boy was panicking so much and was literally crying over the phone. He was broken and it was partly Phil's fault.
"Going after all 3 of them is not helping any of them" Techno spoke calmly, holding his father in his arms like a protective bubble.
"Techno I hurt him, I hurt them.." He wasn't fighting his grip but at the same time wasn't stepping down.
"I know, don't hurt them more" Techno spoke like it was the easiest thing for him to say before letting his father go, It was his choice after all. Phil thought for a few moments before sitting down on the floor and covering himself with his wings, his bird instincts really are fighting him and Techno knew that so he sat down inside his wing and hugged his father. It wasn't any easier for him to not go tearing down that building and bring all 3 of them home but the poor boy was stressed. Ranboo was too and Tubbo probably missed his nukes. He curled into Phil's side and held onto him closely, waiting for the message that could change their world, one way or another those boys would be safely back into his arms.

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