Chapter 5

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"Oh for God's sake," I hiss. "Your sister Rose is way more attractive, so if I were going to hit on anyone, I can assure you I would go for her."

That's a lie, and hurtful on top of that, but I am too far gone to care anymore.

"At this point, you're just being difficult," I yell at the spoilt brat who seems to think the entire male population would fall at her feet at the snap of a finger.

She huffs but refrains from commenting. 

"Just give me your bloody phone-"

"I don't have a phone, Zico," Isabelle finally says.

I blink. "Come again?"

"I don't have a phone," she murmurs, this time embarrassed.

I stare at her, my head reeling in guilt and confusion. Did I get transported into a completely different era when people weren't addicted to androids, by a round earless cat robot in my drawer?

"Why?" is the only word I can get out of my mouth.

"Distraction from studies," she mumbles, clearly lying.

"Okay," I drawl.

Her head snaps up. "Why does it matter anyway? Your room is next to mine," She reasons.

"Fine," I give in, "if you need me, just yell. The walls aren't exactly sound proof." I did hear her scream after all.

Instead of replying, she shoves me out of the room and slams the door shut. That eager to get rid of me, huh?

This does hurt my ego though. I am very sensitive about being rejected by the opposite gender, you see.

Scowling, I return to my room, back to the comfort of my bed. Not more than three minutes after I sink into the blissfully soft mattress, a knock interrupts my love making with the bed. I resist the urge to throw a shoe at the useless piece of wood and grudgingly open the door to let the perpetrator in.

My hideous scowl immediately turns into an awkward smile when Rose's ever present smirk comes into view.

"Did I interrupt something?" Rose peeks into the room, her smirk intact. It doesn't take more than half a second for me to understand what she means.

"I'm afraid that wouldn't be very professional, Ms Green."

"My sister can be rather desperate for attention sometimes," Rose shrugs.

I raise an eyebrow.

"Why else would she do all this? She's just abusing Uncle Peter's sympathy."

I'm beginning to think Rose's face is all that is attractive about her.

But I'm not about to let an important witness go just because her personality is shit. "So you don't believe it is a phantom behind Ms Green's troubles?"

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