Chapter 26

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Anxiety starts to coil in my gut like a twisted snake as several intimidating pairs of eyes turn to us. Feeling all my strength melt away, I go silent and clumsily rush to hide behind Zico, ashamed of my conduct. Mother would never forgive me for letting all the etiquette training go to waste, but there is not a thing I can do as I feel my heart sink at the way the sharp eyes around the room stare at me, analysing my every move.

"It's okay, sweetheart," Zico says soothingly. "They're all friends." He pats my arm encouragingly.

Looking back up at the group, I try to grope around in my mind for something to say, but come up with a solid blank. All the artificial confidence and charm mother taught me to maintain in a crowd evaporates in the powerful presence of these people. I squirm in discomfort when I spot a beautiful blonde woman approach me with a smile.

"Hey, I'm Emma," she grins.

"It's pleasure to meet you," I say shyly, wishing my voice weren't wobbly. "I am Isabelle."

"Let me introduce my handsome self," a tall brunette steps forward. "My name is Anthony, like the one in the stories, yeah, but my close friends call me Tony-"

"Ew, I don't want to be his close friend," Emma says with disgust, making me giggle. Embarrassed, I slap a hand on my mouth. Zico glances at me in amusement while Emma grins. "I think you've already met that buffoon over there," Emma points to Fred. I wave at the familiar blonde, who waves back.

"That's Cecil," her expression softens when her gaze falls on the friendly man, who smiles. Pointing to a gorgeous woman who is perched at the table, engrossed in a device which I remember Tara telling me is a laptop, Emma continues, "And that's Jess, though I doubt she is coming back to us anytime soon." Emma chuckles. "Now, why don't you come sit with us? The rest aren't here yet."

Willing myself to stay strong, I manage a small smile as I take a seat next to her. "Zico has told me a lot about you."

"Has he now?" she glares dangerously at the man in question.

"I didn't badmouth anyone, I swear!" Zico cries. "Not you, anyway," he adds as an afterthought. "I don't want to die."

Emma rolls her eyes. "I'd love to talk later," she tells a terrified Zico, who goes pale in the face.

"Don't be fooled," Fred whispers to me, his eyes comically wide. "By talking, she means using him for target practice-"

"You seem very interested in talking, Fred," Emma cuts in sharply.

Fred's eyes grow wider than I'd thought possible, as he grasps his chest dramatically. "Emma, my dear, surely-"

"Oh, shut up, you bunch of morons!" she interrupts him, one hand massaging her forehead. Sighing, she turns to me. "What do you say we go out for coffee?" She smiles, her friendliness reminding me of Diane.

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