Chapter 29

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"Ready, sweetheart?"

"Yes," she answers immediately. But the slight tremble of her little fists as we make our way into the elevator at the ARICC Headquarters contradict her claims.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Isabelle snaps. "Shut up before I change my mind."

"Sweetheart," I say gently, "if you change your mind, I'll drive you right back home. You don't have to do this if you don't want to."

She sighs. "Zico, I'm not doing this for anyone but myself," she reminds me. "To bring the wrongdoers to justice. I have to do this or I will regret it for the rest of my life."

I reach out for her hand, gently prying open her fist and threading her fingers in mine. She sighs. "I'm sorry for dragging you into my mess."

"You're so silly," I chide. "I'll follow you to the end of the world, as long as I am allowed to be with you," I say sincerely, meaning every word I say. She turns a bright red but before she can bash me for my shameless declarations, the elevator pings and the doors open wide. She gulps nervously as we step into the lobby.

"It'll be okay," I whisper to her. "I can negotiate with Emma so they'll let me be there with you." But she only shakes her head.

"I don't want to cause trouble unnecessarily."

"It's no trouble-"

"It is a breach of protocol," she argues as we stop in front of the Squad conference room.

"We're here," she breathes. Smiling encouragingly, I lead her inside with a hand on her lower back. The hall is empty save for a smiling Emma, who is seated at the table.

"Hey," she greets Isabelle with a hug.

"Huh? Strange," I muse. "Didn't think I had my invisibility shield on?"

"You don't," Emma deadpans. "It's an inherent talent, I'm sure."

I can't keep the grin off my face, however, when my girl lets out a nervous giggle.

"I'll be right outside if you need me," I say more for my own assurance than hers as I gaze into those captivating emerald eyes.

She nods, smiling. Unable to stop myself, I pull her by hand so she crashes into my chest. I don't waste a second as I wrap my arms around her, tucking her head under my chin. Over her hair, my eyes seek out Emma's in desperation, who gives me a reassuring nod. I exhale in relief. I know I can trust our leader with my life, we all do. And my lifeline just happens to be the doe-eyed girl currently trapped in my arms.

Having had enough of my fretting, Emma draws Isabelle's attention with a gentle hand on her shoulder. I reluctantly let go of her, but not before inhaling a large gulp of her heavenly scent.

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