Chapter 16

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"That was incredibly selfish of you, Isabelle," I hear Mrs Green chide Isabelle from my hiding spot.

I know I shouldn't be eavesdropping on them, but I have to find the answers that Isabelle refuses to give me, even if I have to dig them out myself.

"I apologise, mother," comes Isabelle's timid reply.

The birthday party ended a while ago after which Mrs Green expressed her desire to 'have a word with Isabelle' and dragged her away. I decided to follow a fear-stricken Isabelle to her room, where I took up a post a little away from the door so I could pretend to be passing if caught.

"An apology will not fix anything!" Mrs Green sounds the opposite of her charismatic self that entertained the guests hardly an hour ago. "Do you have any idea how mortified I felt when I heard of what you made Mr Rodrigues do to Mr Bentley?"

"H-he attacked me!" My heart breaks at how scared Isabelle sounds.

"And? He has every right to do as he pleases once you are married." I beg your pardon, madam?

"We aren't married yet!"

A loud clap resounds through the empty hallway followed by complete silence. Fear numbs my mind. Isabelle!

"You will not contradict me, am I understood?"


"And you will ensure this is not repeated in the future. In fact, keep him out of family business. Do I make myself clear?"


"You best apologise to Mr Bentley as soon as possible. If the Bentleys are offended and call off the deal, your father will be extremely upset."

I hear heels click against the tiled floor before they stop.

"Clean your face and return the dress to Rose before you go to bed. Make sure Mr Rodrigues does not get a word of it," her warning voice sends a chill down my spine. Hearing her resume walking, I quickly jump up and take a few steps back noiselessly, then start walking.

"Mr Rodrigues," Mrs Green emerges out of the door and smiles at me as though nothing happened.

"Mrs Green," I play along. She regards me for a moment, probably out of suspicion.

"Is there something you need?"

"No, thank you, Mrs Green. I was actually on my way to the bathroom."

"I hope you enjoyed the evening?"

"Of course," I try to smile and pretend I am not casually talking to a two-faced snake. "The food was excellent."

"I am glad you think so. Well, I shall be on my way. Goodnight, Mr Rodrigues."

"Goodnight, Mrs Green."

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