Chapter 18

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"Zico?" I hear Isabelle say as she stretches lazily on the bed beside me.

I hum in reply, not taking my eyes off my phone. We got back to her room half an hour ago after dinner but the moment we did, she wasted no time in hogging my phone to herself and it was only a few minutes ago that I managed to snatch it back. Sometimes I question who the damn thing actually belongs to.

I open the message box to check my messages.

Zero new messages, it reads. I feel so loved.

Isabelle rolls over towards me and lies on her stomach, her face propped in her palms and her feet up in the air.

"Zico?" she tries again.


"Can I have your phone back?"

"No," I answer immediately.


"Alright," I reply with a sigh, because my antisocial self probably doesn't need the damn thing anyway. But Isabelle's victorious grin is wiped off with my next words. "On one condition, though. Tell me what happened yesterday."


"Tell me," I demand. This isn't difficult for just her, but me as well because I can't bring myself to keep on lying to her after she agrees to tell me the truth.

"Mother and I had a little disagreement about what happened with Rudolph the other day," she rests her chin on her elbow and closes her eyes. "We argued and I- I got upset." She shakes her head. Opening her brilliant green eyes, she turns her head to look at me. "Now can I have your phone back, please?"

I roll my eyes. "You gave it back to me hardly five minutes ago."

She shrugs, her eyes glued to the device in my hands. I shake my head at the brat who I got addicted to phones.

"Before that," I say before putting away my phone and turning towards her. Catching on to my tone, she sits up to face me.

"I have a confession to make," I start, already feeling sweat forming on my forehead. "I uh- didn't really not know about Mrs Green reaction to the Rudolph situation."


"God, I'm so sorry!" I exclaim, immediately regretting what I've done. Yes, I managed to get some information but at what cost? Besides, Isabelle has finally begun to open up to me and even volunteered information on her own, but I simply had to go ahead and ruin it. "I didn't mean to- I mean I did, but I was worried and- I never intended to invade your privacy like that. Dammit. Isabelle, I'm so sorry. I know it's useless apologising when I've already done it- Hell I-"

"Zico," she puts a comforting hand on mine. God, I feel so bad, I don't deserve her sympathy. "What are you talking about?"

I take a deep breath. "I followed you and Mrs Green to your room that day," I admit, my head hung low in shame. "And I eavesdropped on you."

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