Chapter 14

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I was pretty confident that she would like where I was going to bring her, but now that I am driving into the car park, occasionally glancing at an obviously excited Isabelle, doubt starts to creep in.

I fervently pray she isn't going to be disappointed when she finds out I brought her to the local Market Square. The comparison in my mind with the branded stores we visited made me feel like it would be a good idea to let her enjoy the one thing she clearly doesn't have- freedom. Her childlike excitement at something as simple as an ice cream stall at the side of the road had me thinking she might like being able to shop as she likes, but now I'm not so sure anymore. The hell was I thinking bringing her to a place like this straight from every woman's paradise? I am not someone who usually visits these places, but the thought of being subjected to her judgement and being singled out as someone who doesn't belong to her class makes heat creep up my neck.

Damn, I should just turn around and pretend I have suddenly contracted an incurable disease and would like to spend the last of my days watching Disney movies.

"Wow, what is this place?"

"It's the Market Square," I say quietly. I risk another glance at her only to find her looking at me with those large curious green eyes. The lack of judgement in them prompts me to go on. "You can find almost anything you can think of here. And it's cheaper." My voice grows quieter towards the end.

"Really? Anything?" At this point, she looks like she is about to explode with anticipation.

"Really," I confirm.

Squealing, she jumps out of the car, and without waiting for me, disappears into the crowd.

I let out a string of curses before quickly following her. "Isabelle!" I yell before spotting her talking to a middle aged woman. As I get closer, I catch some of their conversation.

"It is very unfortunate," the woman sniffs.

"I'm so sorry," Isabelle looks at her with sympathy before rummaging in her bag. "I don't have much at the moment but-"

"What's going on here?" I cut in sharply, taking hold of Isabelle's hand midway to stop her.

"Zico," Isabelle breathes. "This lady right here just got into an accident and her son is fighting for his life-"

"Get out before I hand you to the police," I say curtly glaring at the con woman. Her shifty eyes grow wide in fear before she quickly makes her escape into the throng of people walking past.

"Zico! I can't believe you! The poor woman-"

"Whatever she fed you were all lies," I pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration.

"But she needed the money-"

"What mother would leave her son to die in a hospital and come to the market of all places?" I give her a blank look. "These fraudsters are everywhere and prey on unaware people with money like yourself. Mrs Green was probably right in not letting you out." I accidently blurt out the last part and regret it instantly when I see her beautiful face cloud over, but it is too late to take it back.

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