Chapter 30

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Zico is up to something.

And it is not just Zico who is acting strange, but Maria and Carlos too. Sometimes I catch them whispering, and they would immediately straighten up when they see me. And Carlos, who usually does not mind me hanging out with him in his room to help with his homework, has suddenly begun to avoid me like the plague. Sometimes I would catch Maria and Zico gesturing to one another, as though partaking in some sort of conspiracy. And worst of all, I have suddenly been banned from Maria's room. She did not outright say so, of course, but she has not invited me to her room for two whole days now, like she used to when I first arrived every chance she got, and most importantly, yesterday when I offered to help with cleaning the house, she instantly shooed me away, backed by Zico who offered to sacrifice his phone for me to watch movies. Disney movies.

It could be something personal, of course, but I cannot imagine what could possibly be making them all act this way. It might have something to do with Mr Rodrigues, whose return, as we received news yesterday, has been delayed by another week. I was slightly disappointed because I had been looking forward to meeting the man Maria and I gushed together about, but now I am beginning to worry if everything is alright. I cannot help but pray for the well-being of the family who have come to accept me as one of their own.

"Is everything alright?" I gathered the courage to ask Zico last night.

"Why wouldn't it be, sweetheart?" he answered absently, dropping a peck on my forehead before wrapping me up in the blanket and smothering me. "Goodnight, Isabelle," he said, ending the conversation.

I huffed and turned around, not even bothering to respond. It hurt that the man I trust and care for the most wouldn't trust me with his troubles or share them with me. The disappointment turned into dread, however, when I woke up to an empty bed this morning. Leaping out of the bed, I hurried out of the room into the hallway, looking around for the missing man frantically.

And that is how I find myself in front of the bathroom on the first floor, my hand hanging mid-air in indecision.

"Isabelle?" I hear the running water stop as Zico's voice reaches my ears. I let out a relieved sigh, shaking my head at how ridiculously foolish my actions have been. "Are you okay?" he tries again.

"Yes," I answer, the face red with embarrassment. "I'm sorry, you weren't there and I thought..." I trail off, realising how pathetic it is to expect him to wake me up every morning.

"Missed me?" This time his voice is smug and I suddenly want to punch the smirk I know he is sporting off his face.

"Not a chance," I tell him.

"It's okay, no need to be shy, sweetheart," he taunts. "If you'd told me you missed me that badly, we could have simply taken a bath together." Alright, that's it.

"We could take one now," I challenge.

He snorts in response. "You'd probably faint when you see this gorgeous body of mine." I roll my eyes.

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