Chapter 28

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I open my eyes abruptly, blinking as the moonlight shines through the window, serving to blind my already tired eyes. Grumbling, I turn to face away from the window, exposing my shirtless back to the wall as I slam a pillow over my head. Frustrated, I reach out to the other side of my double bed, only for my hands to meet the cold, empty sheets. My stomach sinks as I remember why I have been having difficulties falling asleep in the first place. The liberty of finally being able to sleep without a shirt on does little to comfort me when the most important person is missing from my arms tonight.

Sighing, I turn on my back and stare listlessly at the ceiling, all traces of sleep gone, not that there was much to begin with.

How much longer could I possibly convince Isabelle to continue to stay here? Knowing her, she would take the first chance to flee. Silly girl, thinking of herself as a bother.

If only she knew.

The entire squad agrees that the investigation has to begin as soon as possible and Emma has already issued orders for the paperwork to begin. I cannot delay Isabelle's questioning for much longer, which would only result in her own safety being compromised. But an official investigation would be equivalent to an open challenge to the Greens, the consequences of which I dread to think of. I wonder how Mr Green would react. I realise Dad and Roger wouldn't be very happy with me filing for an investigation without consulting them first, but I do not plan on letting Emma begin without first informing at least Roger. And Mr Peter being Mr Black's acquaintance complicates things considerably. My mind then wanders to the other members of the family- to Rose, Margaret and little Ethan. I then think of Dora, convinced that she would have plenty to say about her evil mistress if called upon as a witness. For some reason, I suspect Peter Green is probably not very fond of his sister-in-law either but naturally, he wouldn't abandon his own family when they need him.

I close my eyes. Isabelle must miss them, I realise. She might even hold back on the truth to protect the snake, something I should have taken into consideration before.

I sigh again.

My melancholy thoughts are interrupted by a soft knock on the door. With my brows furrowed, I climb out of the bed and make my way to the door, my heart accelerating when I spot the pyjama-clad girl behind it.

"Isabelle? What's wrong? Are you okay?" I search her face frantically for any signs of discomfort.

"No, I-" She stares at her little toes in embarrassment. "Nevermind, this was a bad idea," she mumbles but before she can make her escape, I grab her elbow, careful not to hurt her and drag her into the room.

Gently stroking her back, more for my own comfort than hers, I speak lowly. "What's wrong sweetheart?"

"Nothing," she says, sighing into the embrace.

"Isabelle," I warn.

"I couldn't sleep, okay?" she cries.

"Dammit, I didn't even realise you might not be comfortable in a new place," I start. "Oh, Isabelle, I am so sorry I should have-"

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