Chapter 8

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I whimper miserably as I fall off the wall and land on my bum.

"Going somewhere, sweetheart?" 

I squeak when I hear Zico's deep voice from above me. I look up to see Zico leaning on the traitorous wall beside me, a smirk on his face.

I put my palm on my chest to calm my racing heart and scowl him. "What do you think you're doing here this late?"

"You're in no position to talk," he fires back.


"So, where were you going?"

I ignore his question and hold out a hand. "Help me up."

He suddenly grabs my hand and pulls me up with so much force that I collide with his chest. I think I cracked my tailbone.

"Oomph," I cry rubbing my bum. The poor thing has gone through way too much in the past hundred and twenty seconds.

"This is so sad," Zico looks at me pitifully as I clutch my bum in pain. I throw him a glare that he chooses to ignore.

"If you're not going to tell me where you're going, I'm following you."

"And if I tell you?" I try to negotiate.

His lips curve up. "I'll still follow you."

I groan. "I hate you, LooMan."

"The feeling's mutual, sweetheart." What's with the pet name all of a sudden?

"Okay, let's make a deal. You stay here and wait for me. I'll be back in an hour or so."

"I'm not your pet."

"How about we go back to our rooms and-"

"Nice try, but no," he replies swiftly.

I decide to use my ultimate strategy.

"Aaaaahhhhhhh," I let out my terrifying battle cry and launch at Zico. He is thrown off guard by the sudden aggression and ducks to his side.

Having missed my target and completely humiliated, I pick up my pace and take off without looking back.

"What the hell Isabelle!"

Wish I knew.

"Stop or I'll tackle you," he threatens from right behind me. Startled, I look back to see a furious Zico, his hands outstretched, as if ready to capture me. Frightened, I trip and fall to the ground, taking Zico down with me.

"The hell is wrong with you?" he groans above me. Wait, above?

"Get off me!" I scream.

"Not until you tell me what this is all about," he says and brings his face closer to mine. His huge arms rest beside my head on the ground, caging me in. His eyes look straight into mine, daring me to defy. This would actually be quite a romantic moment if we weren't covered in dirt and my bum didn't hurt from a rock poking one cheek.

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