Chapter 12

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I stare in horror as Rudolph invites himself into my room. His hand closes around my wrist in a bruising hold as he drags me with him.

It isn't long before the unbearable pain starts to register and my body finally decides to cooperate. I dig my nails into his skin, causing him to hiss and let go.

"What do you think you are doing, Isabelle?" Rudolph says through clenched teeth. Had it been barely a month ago, I would have been shaking like a leaf at his tone and would have apologised to make him change his mind before he rushed to snitch to mother like the coward he is. But having spent so much time with a certain stubborn chocolate eyed man who showed me a taste of the freedom I have never had, I can't bring myself to submit again, which is probably what gives me the courage to utter my next words.

"What I should have done a long time ago," I say, not flinching at his glower. "You need to leave, Rudolph."

I have decided that however long I have left to live at the hands of these monsters, I will not live in fear.

"Now," I add with new founded courage.

"You have no idea what you are saying," Rudolph growls.

"Leave," I persist. Before I can register what happens, I am thrown back towards the wall, my head colliding with the hard surface.

"Oh God," I cry, my vision blurred. Rough hands slither around my neck blocking my passage. I claw at him in desperation, but he doesn't let go. I can hardly see anything through my tears as my consciousness slowly slips away, but my only satisfaction is that the tears are merely my body's natural reaction to pain, and not a result of the hurt they have inflicted on me.

Lost in my own delusions, I suddenly realise that I am no longer being throttled by Rudolph. Gasping and coughing on the floor, I rub my eyes and frantically look around to find him struggling in Zico's grasp. When did he...?

"Zi-" I try to call out to him, but it comes out as a barely audible croak.

As my vision clears up, I am frightened by the cruel smile on Zico's face.

"Darling," Zico twists Rudolph's arm, making him cry out, "how could you? After you put your hands all over me, you go to her?" Zico sneers. In spite of myself, I smile.

"I'll show you what happens when you cheat on me."

I gasp when he smashes Rudolph's face on the wall. The disgusting pig crumbles from the impact, his nose bleeding, obviously broken. He turns his revolting face to Zico and glares in an effort to establish his non-existent courage, but one look at Zico's lethal expression changes his mind.

"Out." I shiver at Zico's deadly command. Rudolph immediately scrambles to pick himself up and run for his life.

Zico is instantly by my side, kneeling and putting his arms around me.

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