3: Kiss

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The beginning...


Zhan majors in Arts and Design, while his lover in Performing Arts.

Both are Artists in their own field at the same university, yet on different years.

Two heart throbs. Two most popular men in Gusu Lan University. It was only natural to know each other's name and who-is-who, as when one mentions Wei Zhan, someone will surely say Lan Yibo and vice versa.

They were made enemies by random people, comparing two opposite personalities and two defining prowess.

Their first real meeting was in a talent competition.

Zhan having a background with singing and theatre productions sang a love song with his heavenly angelic voice whilst Yibo, the known master of 'all dance categories', pitched a sexy dance performance.

Who won? Guess its all up to their fanbase.

Zhan's fans were the prim type, hushing and giggling to themselves quietly as they adore him from a distance. Same as Zhan who was reared civil, proper, meek, and well-mannered.

In contrast, Yibo's fanatics were the obsessed and crazy ones. Stalking his movements, unabashedly following him around, some even saying malicious things about him to gain his attention. It trully wasn't the healthy type of fandom. But the aloof-grim man couldn't care less. Yibo with his stoic and cold aura, remained uncaring and untouchable.

Yibo won the competition monumentally. Thanks to his avid fans who voted for him like maniacs. Or maybe thanks to Yibo's alluring charms on stage and the rock of his hips during his presentation, even Zhan was wowed and couldn't help giving him two thumbs up at once.

The night was still young by then and the two are still strangers to each other.

But as the performers went for a celebratory drinks after the awarding ceremony, Zhan found himself trapped between a clingy heiress Lusi and a queen-B Wen Qing trying to win him. Either choice, he wasn't in the least bit interested in them.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the bar, Yibo's situation was no better. His fans are flocking to him like plagues and he despised such crowds the most. More than once did someone tried to offer him a drugged drink or made unwanted advances on him.

Irked, Yibo whiz his way out as soon as he saw a chance. He almost made it in the back alley when one nuisance saw him escaping. Vexed to the max, he pulled the first person he saw that paid no attention to him and kissed whoever it was. Whether it was a she or a he, he doesn't care at all. He doesn't...until he realised who it was and saw the cute bunny teeth peering through the luscious lips he had just relished!

Eyes wide in shock, Zhan tried to push the one who'd grabbed him and stole his first kiss but the other was like a wall, firm and unmovable.

The mere thought of a man kissing him was uncomfortable and repelling, how much more if it came true?! Zhan wanted to throw a punch on the other's face and beat him to pieces yet, realising who the other party was, Zhan froze for a moment within the younger man's proximity.

'Lan Yibo?' Zhan was shocked beyond recovery.

It wasn't only him who was surprised by Yibo's act though. Everyone who'd witnessed the scene had their eyes bulging out.

And to Zhan's much utter surprise, everybody stopped flocking him and even the most persistent Lusi and Qing started backing away.

For once, Zhan felt free and unbothered by the world surrounding him. For once, someone was with him sharing the attention yet no one dared approach and interrupt what he was doing.

The universe seemed to fade away the second time their lips touched. Yibo took him in his arms tenderly this time and Zhan was helplessly captivated. Whether the deed was right or wrong, impertinent or forced, it didn't matter anymore. Zhan's eyelids fluttered shut and his mouth moved naturally with the sweet yet rough kiss of the other man.

'F*ck! I'm not gay but whatever!'


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