4: Fight

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That kiss did not end swiftly as what the two had hoped.

They were drowned with the sweet and intoxicating taste of each other. It might be the booze they've drank, or it could be the act that they want to show the public that they are together. Lovers, whatever they want to call it, as long as the others leave them be. And hopefully, forever.

They kissed and kissed, fighting for who will take the lead and who will fall into obeying.

Their mouths hungrily claimed each other starting from that bar, to the cab they've hazily called, 'til they've reached Yibo's apartment.

Zhan's mind was muddled. He did not even saw where they went and where they were headed to due to the influence of his adrenaline kicking his wits out of the realm. All he could think of is dominating that little brat who stole his first kiss in public!

He pushed the younger man against the wall and pinned Yibo's slightly shorter length between the barricade of his stretched arms. "You brat dare challenge me." He gritted against the plump lips of the other while nibbling at the soft swollen flesh. He could taste the bitterness of the whiskey the other had consumed and surprisingly Yibo only tasted better with it.

Yet in one swing, their position changed and Zhan groaned as his back hit the wall. "Let's see who'll win, Gege." The breathy words made something between Zhan's groin twitch. The amber eyes filled with determination to win made Zhan's legs wobble. And the brat took his chances and pinned Zhan's hands above his head while the other hand went to touch Zhan's crotch.

"F*ck you!" Zhan spat, nervous and terrified. The younger's hands are too strong for him. He was sure the young man can break his wrist into crumble if he wants to.

"No, Gege. I. Will. F*ck. You." The other slowly reiterated with a dangerous smirk and Zhan felt a twist and churn in his belly.

His body felt smolthering hot against Yibo's toned built. Yibo's hand reached the rim of his shirt and the naughty hand roamed his bare skin. Zhan's skin crawled and a lewd moan escaped him when finally that sinful hand reached his hardened nipples and gave it a pinch.

Yibo chuckled, nibbling his mark on Zhan's neck. "Your body is too honest, my Bunny-Ge. Let's go to bed and I'll show you what Heaven on Earth means."


Dominant Lover (YiZhan FF) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now