22: Home At Last (Extra Chapter)

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Extra Chapter: Yibo's POV


Years ago, the thought of home only causes Yibo a lot of heartache. Therefore, he made ways and excuses to build distance from that place which only reminds him of his mother and the day she left to be with another man.

When Yibo was in middle school, he persuaded his father to send him to a boarding school in Korea. He even skipped all school holidays and weave reasons not to go back to Beijing. When he reached college and a legal age, he returned back to his country only to move out permanently from their family home. This was him avoiding the pain of the past: his mother, their home, her betrayal, their memories.

It all changed when he started staying in Zhan's apartment instead of his own. He began thinking again of home and how pleasant it is to live with someone, open-up and share himself with another being.

Sadly, their relationship turned sour. Yibo hurt Zhan, and Zhan unintentionally hurt Yibo without his knowing.

Those months that they were separated, all Yibo could think of was Zhan, his warmth, and his newly found home in his presence. Yibo desperately wanted to go back home where Zhan is. But Zhan's hurt and his refusal to welcome Yibo back were understandable.

So, Yibo gave Zhan that space he desired. While he, himself, tried to mend the broken pieces of him.

He left China again and searched for his healing with the aim of, once he comes back for Zhan, he will be a better man: A Yibo who can show his love unconditionally. A Yibo who isn't afraid to love with all he's got. A Yibo who isn't held by the nightmares of his past trust-issues and heartbreak.

Everyday was a struggle. A struggle with his want to heal versus his ego wanting to continue to blame and torment his biological mother. The hate, it seems, had grown its roots down to each and every fibre of his being.

Days turned to weeks and his desparation to go back to Zhan was driving him mental. But Yibo knew he couldn't yet. Not until he has healed completely and learned to let go of the past.

Until one fateful moment when he came across a young child making a fuss on the street when his mother paid much of her attention to the other baby in her arms. Seeing the other child sulking, the mother put the baby back in the pram and pulled the older child into her arms and kissed him endlessly until the child started laughing and giggling with happiness.

Yibo's eyes couldn't leave the pair. His heart fluttered and his eyes started to sting. He then came into a realisation and acceptance that his hate was just a comauflage of his true love for his mother.

He was just a boy wanting the love of a mother.


More than three months went by and finally, Yibo can come back home.

The first thing he did when he landed at the airport was to find Zhan. His brother's men brought him to his Zhan-ge pronto and they were reunited at last.

Yibo spilled his love on their reunion's first kiss. He yearned for this softness and roughness, this warmth and this happiness.

He smiled, lashes wet with tears, as he called him. "Ge..."

And when Zhan pulled him closer and called for him, "Bo...", Yibo found his Heaven.

He was home at last.

This is just an extra chapter.
I'll update again soon! (The real next chapter coming right up!) 😚


P.S. This story is finishing SOOOOOON!

Happy Sunday 🥰

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