18: Persistent Stalker

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A/N: I might still edit this if at one point I become motivated enough to revise 🤣

When Zhan heard a thud, he turned back in a millisecond running back to where Yibo lay on the ground unmoving. The shockwaves of his fears...of his worries overcame his hurt and his heart begged him to stay by Yibo's side until the Lan's family doctor reassures him countless times that Yibo will be alright.

He left after. No words said. No goodbyes done. Only one last longing look with his heart bare open, his love for all to see. And then he turned, he walked, and he pushed himself not to look back again.

Zhan then went straight to see his Sister Xuan Lu that day. His eyes weeped buckets while his Shijie silently stroked his back gently, letting Zhan let out his pain.

He was consoled by the warmth of family love. In that place, he wasn't judged, blamed or hated for whom his heart came to love. And though Zhan wasn't mended completely, opening up with someone who understands was enough for the moment.

"Can I stay here?" Zhan asked, wanting to avoid going back to his apartment which reminds him of Yibo. Its every nook and corner has Yibo's memories in them: the good times, the sweet scenes, Yibo's scent and things. Zhan realised his home isn't his home anymore. It was their home. The witness of the love he thought they share.

His sister knew Zhan needed to recover while she, herself, loved the idea of spending time together. So, she welcomed her younger brother with a tight bear hug, pinching his cheeks, "Of course Zhan-Zhan! You don't even have to ask!"

Thus, Zhan had stayed with her trying to busy himself with helping Xuan Lu with the household chores and playing with little Jin Ling, his toddler nephew, who doesn't seem to run out of energy.

Two weeks had passed with the same routine. There were still times when Xuan Lu finds Zhan tearing up silently or days when Zhan just smiles to himself thinking how Yibo could be so silly yet so attractive. Zhan was obviously still in love with him. Madly, to add to that.

But slowly, he was starting to appreciate their borrowed happy days together while accepting they were no more. His healing has started to take place from that acceptance, and bit by bit his self integrity and respect were both coming back unforced.


When Zhan came back to university after his long absence, he only had enough time to study for their final exam and start working for his major project for a graded exhibition. Expectations from him was high and Zhan has no spare time to waste to be depressed and remain unfocused if he wants to graduate that school year.

Lan Yibo? Surprisingly, the man was there the whole time. Seemed like nothing has changed in him. He was still gorgeously good looking, intimidating with his unsmiling face, but ... persistent?

Zhan almost made a run to him when he saw Yibo waiting for him by their class' door on his first day back to school. To slap him or to hug him? Zhan was confused and still lacking confidence to confront Yibo again, so he just ignored the younger and his own feelings to be on the safe side and not make a fool out of himself.

Oddly, Yibo was again on the same spot at the end of Zhan's class. Zhan wasn't sure of his motives and it's making him more unnerved and more disconcerted so Zhan disregarded Yibo's presence once more.

That became Yibo's habit though. He will be there within Zhan's eyeshot every single time. Just standing handsomely, waiting for Zhan patiently, watching him with his unreadable gaze. But Yibo never took any step further. He was just like Zhan's shadow or like what Cheng describes Yibo as "That's one persistent stalker you have right in there!"

Yubin glanced at Yibo, smiling weakly at the younger before whispering to his friends. "Why don't you speak to him, Zhan? Ask him what he wants? If his presence like this is bothering you, you can ask him to stop following you or just..."

"Tell him to get lost!" Cheng finished Yubin's sentence with vindication, smirking at Yibo's direction, making sure the younger has heard his words. He hates the man to the core after making his gullible friend heartbroken. And Cheng isn't afraid to show that hate. He isn't someone who believes in second chances or that someone evil can turn good after realising his mistakes. For him, once a bad guy, always a bad guy.

"I have no time for that! For him! Or this pointless feelings!" Zhan spat speedwalking past his friends. His stress for the upcoming exhibition has already reached its peak and that was overwhelming enough for him to block out any distractions. Two weeks of absence sure was a lot of time lost for him to finish his entry! For the current Zhan, every remaining second counts towards his project and he won't waste his time pulling his heart out of his chest to let people see how broken he still is and how affected he still is with Yibo's existence nearby.

Sneering, Cheng followed Zhan's fast strides while Yubin took his time to look back at Yibo once more. His eyes slightly widen when he saw the veiled hurt from the other's beautiful amber eyes. His conscience made him stop in his tracks, he knew there are always two sides of the coin, and Yibo, himself, has a story to tell.

It won't be easy, Yibo.

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