13: Dejection

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Yibo has always been around. He isn't someone who will just disappear or ghost Zhan.

Or can he?

One morning came and Zhan wondered were the younger was. No message. No appearance. No one got a clue were Yibo was.

Zhan tried to brush off the worry. They were just together the previous night. Nothing was off. No quarrels. No hints. There are times Yibo just goes, but he always comes back, Zhan reassures himself.

'This time too, he'll return. Won't he?' His bubbling insecurity was apparent especially when he realised that last night Yibo didn't say 'See you tomorrow.' or his sweet 'Goodnight, Ge'.

Yibo had said nothing while staring at Zhan who was too knackered and dozed off as soon as his head hit the pillow.

It was late in the evening when Zhan pushed himself off his couch after trying to dial Yibo's number for the hundredth time. His worry turned to annoyance at that point. Has he been ditched?! He couldn't believe it!

Then hurt came hurling next.

Zhan fell short of words to console himself. He couldn't shake the feeling of dejection, his hope that crashed and the many broken thoughts that jumbled in his head.

He felt so sh*t...so pathetic!

His eyes misted and soon his tears fell.

The mutual feeling he thought was present between them were merely his illusion! He had fallen but Yibo had not.

Maybe...maybe Yibo knew that's why he'd left him?.

They had never talked about 'what if one of them falls?'.

Did Yibo hated it? Was he one of those who hate to love?

Zhan has no answers for his questions. One thing for sure? Whether Yibo is dead or alive somewhere, he won't be coming back to him.





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