Chapter 5

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I scanned the terrified faces of my companions. I looked at my watch, I pressed the button to text message Nigel, I sent him a text and it said:

This is all part of my plan. Don't tell the others, we need them to be just as good of actors as they can possibly be.

Nigel messaged me back:

Why do you think she says 'you're her daughter'?

I paused and thought. A new thought dawned on me:

Who did this body use to belong to?

Nigel paused. He suddenly typed fast:

We got it from... Look closely at the black suit, they have numbers on them.

Confused, I typed:

What's this got to do with-


I looked closely at the backs of the soldiers:

Yeah, but-


I got you from number 28940, she said to give it to me because you would know what to do. She also said Pineapple. She said that you would understand...

I stood up and walked toward the queen voice lady and the red suits. "I have decided to burn them." I said remembering the fact that the suits were fire proof. "I would like an assistant please, how about number 28940."
"28940!" The Queen voice lady called.
A lady a little taller than me shouldered her way through the group.
I hadn't seen her face yet, but she had dark brown hair. I knew who it was before she showed her face.
28940 came up and stood by my side. I looked at Mika's pained face.
28940 was my mom. 28940 was Mika's mom. 28940 was our mom.
I struggled to not jump into my mom's arms, but I had to keep a straight face.
"Get up!" I commanded.
"May we use the burn room?" 28940 asked.
"Of course. Would you like to use more reinforcements?" Said queen voice lady.
"No thanks," I responded.

* * *

We walked down the hall with our footsteps echoing through the halls as we walked. I held Julius' and Mika's arms behind their backs. I couldn't bear it anymore.
I leaned over into Mika's ear and whispered. "That was weird, I had 2 birth mothers in the same place at the same time. One of my soul, and the other of my body."
I paused. She turned around and looked at me in disbelief. "If you ever trust me again, we can get some pineapple ice cream." I bounced my eyebrows twice.
She kept a straight face. "Are you working for them whole time?"
"No, this is the body of the daughter of the woman in charge.
We were out of ear and eyeshot, of the soldiers. I pulled Mika and Julius into a bear hug.
They pulled away at first.
"No, please, no you have to believe me." I begged.
"How do I know that you were ever Katherine, I never should have trusted you." She yelled pulling away.
I fell into sink with my mom and the others. "So, here is the plan, they have cameras in and around the fire room. The reason I picked this room, is that it has direct axis outside." Mom said.
"Why should we listen to you?" The others disagreed, simultaneously.
"We were acting!" I yelled. "This is my mom!"
"Continue." Nigel said.
"We can burn our way through the walls," My mom offered.
"No problem, we will just use our watches." I said. "The room will already be filled with fire and smoke, so we can use that as a disguise. Since the suits are fire resistant, you won't get burned."
"So, we have our escape plan, but what did we come here to do?" I asked.
"To blow things up!" Mom said pulling explosives from her belt. "Come on, you have some too."
I reached into my pockets, sure enough, they had small explosives.
"So, throw them everywhere, stick them to walls, spread them all over." Mom instructed.
"Do they have the antidote here?" I asked.
"Yeah, there are guards by the door though, there is also an alarm system." Mom said.
The others stayed silent. Still not sure of what was going on.
"If I'm not back in 5 minutes, blow this popsicle stand." I said.

* * *

I sat down in criss-cross applesauce. I concentrated as hard as I could. The voice in my head whispered, 'Now, what do you want to do?'
Then I thought of the antidote, a long string of light filled the air. I closed my eyes and hoped.
I felt a quick rush and a sting.
I opened my eyes again. I was a white room with neon lights. I looked around the room, I saw a big tank full of green liquid sitting on the table. There is a blue liquid next to it, I couldn't quite tell which one was the antidote.
On the side of the green one's container it was labeled:
Vial 126.

On the side of the blue one's container,it said:
Vial 622.

I thought for a second, I figured if they wanted to make a solution to killing people, they would have to make the antidote to stop it first. So I decided to try the green one first.
'Don't do it!' The voice in my head scolded.
'Should I do the blue one?' I asked.
'Yes, the blue one.' The voice answered.
I scrambled through papers along the desk that the vials were sitting on, there was a folder that was labeled 'Vial 622. So, I took it and opened it and started reading.

vial 622:
Warning: This is the antidote. This is highly dangerous to our plan. Just in case our facility is breached. If this escapes into the air, it is highly likely to awaken many people. This Vial is highly concentrated, So it may rupture our entire plan if released. Keep safe at all costs. Keep safe at cost of life.

That was easy.
I burned a hole through the side of the wall. I figured since the burn room, a couple rooms down, was accessible to the outside, this room would, too.
I continued burning a hole until the circle of wall fell to the ground.
I folded up a couple of pieces of paper and made a makeshift funnel to act as a control tip, so the Vial wouldn't just all go to one area.
I eased the Vial near the new hole in the wall. I held it there, I tried to get it to blast out, but nothing was working. I looked back at the folders, there another form, and said:

How to inject vial 126 into the air.

I figured if it worked for Vial 126, it would probably also work for 622. I continued to read.

First, set vial into a outdoor assessable area.


Next, heat the bottom of the Vial.


Last, hold the vial as gas releases into the air.

I watched as the Blue gas hissed from my homemade vial tip.
I didn't have enough time to sit here and wait for this thing to empty. So I pulled the table forward and set it on the table.
I sat down again and concentrated, and concentrated more.
I teleported back to the hall with my companions scattered around me. I looked up at their faces that now looked very concerned. Then I heard it: thump, thump, thump. Now the army was coming again.
"Hurry!" Julius screamed.
We started running toward the fire room. We were 50 meters away, 30, 20, and we were there. I opened the door and they all followed me inside. I closed the door behind me and put the plan into action.

Vial 126Where stories live. Discover now