Chapter 11

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"Oh, I see you are quite the little escape artist, aren't we?" The man said walking closer.

I started to tense up. I wasn't sure if he was bad or good yet. "So, are you want to side, or not."

The man was silent.

I looked at him harshly, I still didn't trust him.

"Let's go check on your friends." He suggested, grabbing my arm and pulling me along.

He pulled a key ring from his pocket. He unlocked the door, and pushed me behind him.

He slowly turned the handle as he grabbed something shiny from his pocket.

I heard Steven's voice from down the hall.

"Kathrene!" He called.

Just then the door clicked. The man started to open the door. I made a quick decision, if I ignored Steven, well, I don't know what would happen. On the other hand, if I left this man that I didn't know or trust, I don't know what would happen here either.

I turned toward where I heard I heard the voice. I ran as fast as I could toward Steven's voice. The man turned toward me and tried to grab my arm. I was already too far. The door was open now. He pulled the thing out of his pocket. It's reflective top ginted. A knife.

Reba threw herself on the man. The others spilled out of the room. Julius grabbed onto him also. It was too late. The blade was in motion. It was coming fast toward me. A small shadow moved in front of me. I heard a thud of the blade sinking into flesh. I watched in horror as Steven's limp body fell to the ground.

The blade was embedded in his side, and I fell down next to him.

The blood spread from his wound to the rest of him. He coughed. Blood sputtered from his mouth.

"I did it for you, get them out of here. That man is bad he is a spy, he has a group. He still you from my father. Tell Reba to blow this place up." He choked, stuttering.

"This is all my fault. I-I-"

"Your life is more important than mine-"

"Don't you even say that, you had a long life ahead of you, you-you still can. I can heal you." I hovered my hand over his wound. I concentrated. I took a quivering breath.

"No, it's too late-" he started to cough. "You have to go, the antidotes. You are the one-" He gasped. I was crying now. He set a box in my hands. It was about the size of a box that you would put a ring in. He coughed. And he continued to gasp for air. Suddenly with the choking halt, he stopped.

He died as I held him.

I started to cry. To sob. I suddenly became aware of my surroundings. More men were coming to help get my friends off of the person who had killed Steven. I stood up, hot tears were still running down my face, I was angry now.

I didn't know him very well but Steven died for me. You can't not cry for someone who died for you.

I walked up to the dude that killed Steven. I grabbed the hair on the back of his head, it was thin and black. I balled my hand into a fist and hit him in the nose.

I hit the man again, he fell to the ground, unconscious. I wasn't done though.

The bad guys came and took my arm, I just hit them. They were bigger than me, they grabbed a hold of me. I was mad a kicked and screamed.

I elbowed someone in the stomach, kicked some in the crotch and elbowed two people in the throat at the same time. I was angry, there were about 10 other people. The guards of my friends and guards me.

Finally coming to her senses, Reba elbowed the guy that was guarding her.

Nigel followed her lead and punched his guardian the face.

Eleanor, well let's just say don't make an old woman angry. She'll pinch your ears and knock an unnecessary amount of sense into you.

Mika and Eian teamed up to bash their guards heads together. Mom, wait , where was she? I walked around the corner find 5 more men and Mom's captor.

Anger still boiled in my blood, and now it was just pure rage.

I ran into the group of soldiers, hitting anything I could.

My friends were now helping as well. I had took out 1 and my friends took out another 3.

There were just 1 left, and the others were waking up. They started to fumble for their weapons. My mom had almost broken free from her guard.

I reached for my watch, a scale on the top asked witch size of explosion I wanted.

I twisted it about halfway.

I aimed the watch toward the far wall and slammed my palm on the button. A bombshell the size of a piece of my pinky nail shot from the top.

I doubted it would be big enough to make any damage, but when it hit the wall it made a hole large enough for us to fit through.

Within a minute my friends were piling out of the room followed by the small half conscious group of men.

We all attacked the last man.

We started to crawl out of the whole, Reba leaving a trail of booms behind her.

We ran as fast as we could until we were plenty far enough from the building.

The fiery explosion was all that was left of the building they were keeping us in.

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