Chapter 17

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There was homemade banana nut bread, omelettes, O.J., and biscuits.
I look at the food and asked "Who made all of this?"
A voice yelled out. "I did."! I look over and see the voice came from Fran.
"Thanks Fran!" I said.
I sit down and started to eat. It was delicious.
I finally got the nerve to ask him the question that was pulling so hard at me. "Are you guys like friends or are you related?"
"I guess you could say both. Fran's my twin sister, so we are pretty good friends, Strawberry is our cousin and Annie was our parent's friend's daughter. The other three people who were here was our Mom, Strawberry's Dad and Annie's Mom." He said, getting more depressed as he went on.
I immediately change the subject. "So what do you guys do for fun around here anyway?"
"We have board games and we do have electronics that we made, I mean, we mainly though we play with the things we have in our rooms to kill time." Annie said.
"Cool, I think." I replied not really knowing what to say next.
Soon enough, conversation starts up again.
"Fran and Michael's rooms have a door that connects them." Strawberry said, "They kinda have an unfair advantage when it comes to stuffed animal fights."
After we finish eating and talking we go to our rooms for a minute.
Fran went into her room and stayed in there for a few minutes and I got bored waiting outside. I saw Michael go in too, but he also got bored of waiting.
The same happened for the rest.
I finally decided to go back to the cafeteria and have some leftover banana bread.
Then after five minutes everyone else was there.
They walked in with pretty little boxes.
"Ok, people. To celebrate Katherine's birthday, we got her presents." Fran announced and then Annie announced it louder so everyone could hear it.
I couldn't imagine what they could've gotten me. We were on a deserted island somewhere.
Fran gave me hers first. I unwrap it to find a little necklace with a smiley face locket on it.
"I made it myself. If you ever need me just open the locket and hit the buttons. It is kinda like your watches, but you speak into it rather than type." Fran told me.
I looked over to see her wearing one too with a small bunny on it.
Next, Michael gave me his. I unwrap it and found a little figurine of the eiffel tower.
"Like Fran here, I also had to make it. Fran helped me a little with the design, but other than that it was all me. There is a button on top if you hit it a small image of me will pop up and you can talk to me. I have one also." He told me as he pulled his out of his pocket.
The tower also had a note engraved in it that said, 'Has the best bread in the universe.'
I smiled.
Strawberry and Annie teamed up on theirs. They handed me the gift and I opened it.
A pair of glasses.
"Spy glasses." She explained. "Me and Annie made them. They don't work as real glasses but you can scan things and look at things. Well, you'll figure it out eventually what you can do with them."
Fran pulled something out of her pocket and said. "Cool, you have a pair, they made me one when they found out that I wear glasses, and my glasses weren't the correct prescription."
"Why don't you ever wear them Fran?" Annie asked.
"I don't know, I'll start." She responded as she unfolded the glasses and put them on.
I put mine on and the glasses started to look around the room.
Small numbers in the corner of the glasses displayed percentages of what kind of gases were in the room.
There was the normal amount of oxygen, but the strange thing that I noticed was that there was one percent knockout gas.
Fran must've noticed At the exact same time. Her eyes widened and she took her glasses off.
Before I could say something Fran noticed it and asked, "Guys, you are aware there knockout gas in here, correct?" looking at us.
"Uh, I had no idea." Annie responded.
"So, what is the problem." Strawberry asked.
"We have a trace of knockout gas in here." She told Strawberry, then asked, "Has anyone seen Julius?"
"No." I respond. I paused for a second and then spoke again. "I'm going to go look for him, we don't want him missing out on the celebration."
The first place I went was Julius' room.
I slowly pushed the door open.
He was practically passed out on the bed, he was sprawled out and looked exhausted, so I left him.

* * *

I woke up early the next morning.
I snuck into the cafeteria, being as silent a possible.
I walked around the back and into the kitchen section and started to make pancakes.
I looked all around the kitchen to try to find the batter.
"Hello." Someone greeted.
I turned around around to see Michael.
I was so startled that I jumped and slipped on the slick floor. I landed on my butt.
"Hi." I said as he helped me to my feet. "Where is the pancake batter?" I asked.
"Over here" He responds pointing at the cabinet above my head.
I pulled it out, it was opened on the bottom, so it spilled all over us.
"Klutz." He said, playfully.
I threw a little bit of flour at him and laughed.
"Hey!" He says and throws some at me.
By then we are throwing pancake batter at each other, we were choking on it and it was getting everywhere.
"Ok," I say finally. "We should stop throwing the batter and start making pancakes."
"I agree." he responds, throwing one last handful at me.
We started mixing all of the ingredients, we were a little short on the mix, though.
A few minutes later, we were making smiley face pancakes.

* * *

After they were done, we called the others out to eat.
As our friends walked in, they gave us funny looks.
Finally, Strawberry commented, "Why are you guys covered in white dust?"
The others started to giggle.
I closed my eyes, ashamed.
I somehow totally forgot I still had the pancake mix on me.
"Pancake batter mishap." I explained.
"That's a pretty major mishap." Nigel said.
"I will go take a shower after breakfast." I said.
I sat down, sending a out plume of flour. Then started to devour the food.
"How do you have wifi out here and how did you get the supplies?" Mika asked.
"I dunno. Just... appears." Strawberry said.
"Like my teleporting." I said, trying to compare.
"Yes, like your... wait, couldn't you just teleport off of this island anytime you want?" Michael said.
"Maybe, but I couldn't go that far, I don't want to end up somewhere in the Pacific ocean. Plus you guys would still be stuck here." I said.
"True." Michael responded.

* * *

After breakfast, I went to take a shower. I started thinking on how they got stuff.
If it comes in that way maybe we could get out that way.
Then again, they would have figured it out by now.
I decided that the next day I would ask.

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