Chapter 25

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I grabbed my bag and ran to where Michael was standing.
He raised his arm and pointed out to a few distant scattered buildings on the horizon.
"You guys, c'mon, they might be able to help us, Reba and Nigel might be there!" Michael called again to the others.
Strawberry jumped out of the plane, carrying her bags and throwing Annie her's.
Soon everyone else was gathered around pointing at the town.
"Let's go, but we should leave a few a note to let Nigel and Reba to know where we are in case they come back." Mika said.
Annie opened her bag and pulled out a pen and paper. She scratched some letters on the notepad and peeled off the piece of paper, sticking it to the door of the plane.

Dear N&R,
We went to the town to check things out, we would like to inform you that we are truly alive, pineapple, that is the code, anyway, bie.

"Wait, I just thought of something, why didn't we just type in our watches?" I asked.
"I tried that, no signal or something, they don't work." Mika explained.
"Oh, well, then, we should go." I suggested. "Are you sure you're okay, Michael." I asked.
"Yeah, I'll be fine." He assured.
"Ok, what are we waiting for, let's go." I said excitedly in response.
We set off walking towards the town, it was about I mile or so off.
We walked, our feet occasionally swishing in a muddy puddle.
I turned around to look at the destruction of the planes.
I suddenly realized that someone was bound to have seen the fire, which I would imagine would draw someone to come, but no one had. It's possible that they could have ignored it. But if I was in their shoes, I would be so confused.
It then occurred to me, what if this town was asleep? What if some people wouldn't want to wake up some other people? What if the people that are awake what vengeance? Would they go to war, be against us or with us? Why would someone do this? What if it was to find the elite? They might have wanted a better country, and I'm sure some other people might want to not wake up some of the others.
I looked ahead at the seemingly dead city.
"What's that?!" Mika yelled pointing at the base of a tree. I snapped around, just fast enough to see a short shadow disappear behind the trunk of an oak tree about ten feet off
"We won't hurt you. Who are you? Can you come out." Strawberry coaxed.
Soon, the thin face of a girl with a lightly tanned face poked her head around the base of a tree, she looked to be about the age of 8. She stepped out, revealing her thin body dressed in a torn tank top and dirty jeans.
"Oh, my, are you ok?" I asked, the girl shook her head, her brown, curly hair bounced as she did so.
"Come here, we can help you." I said in a soothing voice, kneeling down and swinging my book bag off. The cold, fall like weather made the girl shake.
She walked forwards a little ways and finally spoke. "Can you save Mommy, she and the others won't wake up, are they dead?" She asked, dragging her feet a few more steps.
I opened my backpack and forced a smile. "I guess that's why we are here. Why don't you come here? I have you a sweater." I said, pulling out my smallest hoodie.
"Who are you. Are you the heroes?" She asked.
"I guess you could say that. I will make it my mission to help you, I pinky promise." I said, holding out my pinky.
She ran up the last few steps into my arms, pulling me into a hug. She leaned in next to my ear. "Do you swear that you will fix Mommy?" She whispered.
"I swear, if it's the last thing I do." I promised, and I entended to keep it.

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