Chapter 10

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I woke up in a dark room, I could hear faint breaths coming from some spots that were just out of my vision. My hands were tied to my feet, my feet were tied together, so I was stuck in an awkward position, my mouth was duct taped shut. My watch dug into my wrist. It surprised me that they didn't take it. I also can't believe that silent Steven was evil.
I aimed my watch at the rope. I twisted the top as best as I could, even though I was tied up, there was no laser. That's what I thought, they disabled them. I leaned on the wall behind me.
I tried to get the duck tape off, it was no use. I put the side of my face on my knee, I could feel the duct tape stick to my knee. I rolled the duct tape off of my face. Now what?
"If anyone hears me please make some sort of noise." I heard muffled mumbles and some bangs. I think everyone is awake.
"Get to work getting off your duct tape off, everyone."
I needed a way to cut through the rope. An image of the burning tree popped into my head.
'Use this.' The voice in my head said. I wondered how my head knew more than I did. I wondered if it was some kind of telepathic communication with someone else, because the voice definitely wasn't my own. It sounded more, well, different.
After I came over the shock and steadiness, I thought of the burning tree. I was still so confused I could barely get a grasp. So I started singing it out loud.

"The burning tree, the burning tree
Oh, by the burning tree
I set it on fire
For my deadly desire
The burning tree
The burning tree
It risked its life to save me
By the poor big burning tree..."

I didn't care if my friends heard me. As I sung, my fingers grew warm. The heat sped across my body. The room grew lighter. I smelled smoke. As I kept singing, I saw fire spreading all over my body.
The rope started to burn. I really, really love the fact that these suits are fireproof, otherwise, my suit would have burned off, leaving me naked. That would be bad.
At the end of the song, I yelled. "The ropes!"
I saw several spots around the room caught on fire, illuminating the faces of my friends, all except for Steven. They were all awake. Eleanor started freaking out a little at the flames, but when they didn't catch her on fire, and only the ropes, she was fine. The only person that still had duct tape on their face was Nigel. Reba seemed pretty happy about walking over and ripping it off of his face.
"Ouch!" Nigel protested.
"So, what's the plan?" I asked.
"Wait, you don't have a plan, we always expected on you'd having a plan." Eian remarked.
"Your grammar is so incorrect." Eleanor complained.
"Seriously, we're talking about grammar." Eian protested.
"Let's not complain, at least she didn't call us Younghans again." Julius remarked trying to brighten the situation. "Seriously, we need to get out of here though."
"Wait here." I insisted.
I walked toward the door. Locked. How wonderful. I sat down. Concentrate. I thought, outside, outside. A light stream flashed in front of my face. I was in a completely white hall with fluorescent lights.
I looked at my watch there was a message:

Hold on.
I am on your side, I can get you out as soon as I explain to my father you are also good guys.
Check your laser watch. I know it doesn't shoot lasers anymore, but it does do something better.
Merry Christmas.

- Steven

I was walking as I was reading. I turned the top of the watch. A small message popped up on my screen.

if pressed will shoot explosive

I smiled, then I heard approaching foot steps.
Before I could react, a large man walked up to me.

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