Chapter 23

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Well, I will skip ahead to the part where I am holding a tissue to the bloody cut in my arm.
I attempted to concentrate on healing the cut on my arm, luckily the cut has pretty small because it didn't work.
I started to panic.
No, no... This can't happen. This is our only chance, I need my powers back...
Powers... Powers.
No one else has powers and they have been able to manage.
Just think. Think. We need a plan.
Everything grew silent and peaceful.
I could hear my heartbeat silently.
No, not my heartbeat.
Not a heartbeat.
The beats fell out of sink and the air was filled with faint pounds coming from a mile or so away.
I stood up and looked around.
I saw a few black dots in the sky.
"Helicopters!" Someone yelled. I whirled around to see Frank and Annie.
'They found us.' Annie told me mentally.
I jumped up, that power was still working, but there was no time to think about that right now.
"Oh no." I said. Dropping the bloody tissue and spiriting of to find Michael.
As I reached him, he was unloading some old license plates and plates from a box.
"Michael, they're here." I yell to him.
"Who are 'they'?" Michael asks.
I looked at him with a straight face until his face grew worrisome.
"W-what do we do?" Michael asked.
I stayed silent trying to focus.
"What do we do?" He repeated.
"Hold on." I said.
"What do we do?!" Michael demanded.
"Hold on!" I yelled.
Suddenly, I thought of the flaming warehouse. Someone dumping gasoline everywhere. Why would someone dump gasoline everywhere? Unless they were doing it to try to deflect enemies.
I looked at Michael.
"I think I have a death wish." I said.
"What?" Michael asked.
"I need water, fill a bucket with water." I said.
I ran over to the locker I had open before and through all of the gasoline over the boxes and outside of the doors. I brushed the boxes into the storage locker.
"What are you doing?!" Michael asked.
I grabbed cartridges of gasoline and left them uncapped and laying on their side, so that they would do most of the spelling for themselves.
I cleverly placed them across areas near storage lockers.
After I told the others to follow my lead they begin to also began to place some gasoline tanks.
The gasoline was very heavy and the helicopters were closing in for the landing. The thumps were so loud that my eardrums felt like they were dieing.
We had only had about two minutes to prepare this entire thing so there was only about 10 containers of gasoline sent out.
I set the containers horizontally, so that they spilled, saving me a lot of time.
We were careful to keep the plane far out of the range of the area that we were covering.
I rushed the others into the open storage locker.
Annie handed me some matches that she had gotten from the plane.
I grabbed the match box and took out a match, fumbling to get a proper hold on it. I stuck it once against the side but nothing happened. I tried again but the match broke. I grabbed another match throwing the other one to the ground.
The helicopters landed.
I struck the new match, it wouldn't light.
I jerked open the match box.
I heard the helicopter doors opening.
I grabbed the match with shaking fingers.
I heard the click of the people cocking the guns. I didn't bother to look up.
I struck the match.
I heard the match crackle and catch fire.
Backed toward the storage locker.
"Put your hands up." I heard a man say.
I flicked around and dashed the few feet to the storage locker, flinging the match behind me and jumping into the locker as I slammed the locker door shut.

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