Chapter 22

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"Really, wow!" I said.
"I'm scared of you now," Michael said backing away from Strawberry sarcastically.
"Well I have always wanted to be a vet, But why do you need me to to this?" Strawberry asked.
"I broke my ring, and lost my powers. Most of the liquid in the ring is gone, but there is still some left. It needs to be in my bloodstream," I explained.
"Ok, so, cut time?" Strawberry asked after a long silence.
"Ok, but try not to kill me."
"I can try, but I am not making any promises, just kidding, I did this with a frog in biology class." She said.
"Well, that frog was already dead," I said, suddenly more scared.
"Ok, sit down," Strawberry stood up and walked into the aircraft.
I made a worried face at Michael, and he mouthed, "Good luck."
He walked back toward his storage locker.
"Where are you going?" I called.
"Well, you got the lock open on my storage locker. So, I am going to go see what is in it," He called back and then sprinted off.
Well, at least one good thing happened from me losing my powers by punching a lock, now we have another storage locker to dig into.
Just then, Strawberry emerged from the plane.
With a large blade in her hand.
She walks closer, and says, "Don't worry. This will only be the third time it has gotten blood on it. Fran is bad with blades."
My eyes grew wide as she set the cold blade on my forearm.

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