Chapter 7

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I awoke when a large amount of weight was lifted from my back. I lifted my head to see what had changed. I saw Mika and Eian had lifted a the metal roofing piece from my back. I was glad to see Eian was alright.
My mom and Nigel were helping Reba, who had a nasty cut on her forehead.
For the most part, everyone else was alright, except for brushes and scrapes.
I tried to stand up to see what the roaring was, but I couldn't. Mika and Eian helped me to my feet.
I turned my head to see a huge roaring fire coming down the mountain toward us.
I hobbled toward Nigel, mom, Julius and Reba. Mika and Eian reluctantly let go of my arms. I fell forward and landed on my face, awakening the pain from a few scratches.
I started to get up. I fell again. This time I landed on a large piece of metal and it lurched forward. It started sliding down the steep mountainside. I stuck my hand out and dug it into the debris. That only cut up my hand.
It started to get more urgent as a low cliff speared on the horizon. A road cut between the blasted off mountainside and another mountain. I tilted the front of the makeshift sled into the rocky debris. That didn't work. I flipped off the sled and fell into the debris. I did sloppy rolled down to the end of the mountain. The cliff was getting closer and closer.
I desperately tried to stop myself, but it was too late.
I landed on my back with a thud. The wind was knocked from my lungs and I gasped for air.

* * *

My back hurt. I was still gasping for air. I wondered how I would ever get out of this one, there was no one there to help.
The fire still raged and the skies were going gray. A storm was coming. I tried to make my way for a little indent cave in the side of the cliff.
The opening wasn't large enough, so, I tried to dig my way in. But I was in no condition to dig through the rocky clay of the side of the cliff.
I was weak and my hope was in shambles, but I did one last thing before I was out cold. I went for my watch and clicked a button. I typed:

Limo. Need foob, tomorrow, wait

By foob I ment food. I hadn't realized how long it was since my last meal. Last time I ate was at the gas station when I had discovered my powers.
That was it, my powers.
I was trying to concentrate, but it was hard. The power was starting to tingle my fingers. But it wasn't quite enough, I was in terrible condition, I figured I couldn't teleport all the way, so I decided to choose a closer location.
When we had pulled up for the first time in the limo, I had seen a very large tree off in the distance. I decided to go for that tree. I thought, and thought, and thought, the stream of light came back. And, a few seconds later, I was there.
When I arrived, I was so weak from the last effort of power, that I just fell to the ground and a crumpled mess. At least I was closer than I was on the opposite side of the mountain.
Now, the skies were dark and gray. I just pulled myself toward the tree and sat under its shade. I figured I would get less wet here then I would outside the shade of the giant tree. The sky opened up and it started to rain. But instead of the normal clear raindrops, these raindrops were blue. I didn't have much time to worry about it before I got close to sleep, though.
My eyes started to close and I drifted off to sleep. I knew when I woke up, I would have to make the journey for the limo.
I woke up a while later. The storm was gone, but it was dark out. I was shaking like a scared person, on a sugar high, in the North Pole.
I would kill for a spa vacation right now.
Even though it was dark, I could still see that the top of the mountain was scorched. Or what was left of it. If there were other people, that fire would have attracted a lot of attention.
Wait, if fire attracts a lot of attention, then maybe I could just...
If I could just set this tree on fire, if it attracts enough attention, which I think it will, then I can just type a message in my watch that says I am by the giant burning tree. That way they can come pick me up here. Plus it was dark so they would be able to see it even better.
I reached for my watch and turned the top, setting the leaves and the small branches.
I started burning at the trunk. The bark started to catch fire, but it went out shortly. I burned more leaves and caught them on fire, I just had to wait for them to catch the trunk. I continued burning my way through the tree.
When I was satisfied, well, mostly satisfied with my work, I stopped and pressed the button to speak to text.
I typed:

By the burning tree

I attempted to stand, but fell backward toward the tree. Thank gosh for the fireproof suits. I started to crawl forward, I was swaying and shaking. I had to get away from the tree. Off in the distance I could see movement, I heard a car. Within a minutes, the long and familiar shape of the limo appeared over the horizon, it was coming fast. Relief flooded over me. A minute later, it pulled up right in front of me.
I hobbled over toward the car. On my last few steps, I fell forward and fell on the car in relief.
With my satisfaction, I knew I didn't have to stress anymore. I just relaxed, and let myself slip into sleep. I heard distant calls and sighs, as well as a popping of a car door and the click of a seatbelt.
I woke up to the sound of a steady beeps, like the ones in the movies when someone's in a coma. I looked around, fluorescent lighting was above me, tile flooring below me. Chairs lining a wall, the walls were cream. I looked to my left and saw a big Holter monitor screen that was the source of the noise. I was in a hospital. I looked to my right and saw a nurse leaning over me.
That wasn't right, everyone was supposed to be asleep.
Or was it all just a dream?

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