Chapter 2: Identity Crisis

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Quackity's POV


Arguments happen to everyone, it happens to me and Schlatt a lot. "You don't cook properly" or "Look at this mess, clean it up!" Or "I've seen men who can do a better job at cleaning than you!" He always says. He knows my secret, he knows the truth. One day he got so tired of me.

I accidentally drop a vase from cleaning it. "No, no, no, no," I whispered to myself trying to clean it up. "What the hell...?" I heard a voice behind me say. My breath hitches and I immediately look back. He looked furious this time, like he's had enough. "Clean this shit up and come to the room, I'll deal with you then," he said gritting his teeth. He walked away, when I knew he was far enough, I sighed.

I picked up all the vase shards, I nicked my fingers on some of them but that doesn't matter. When I finish clean it up, I go to the bathroom and wash my wounds, then bandage them. I walk back to our bedroom and take a deep breath in. I then exhale, knock on the door and wait. He opens the door and grabs my hair dragging me in. I yelp in pain, he then throws me on the floor. "THIS IS THE 3RD TIME THIS WEEK YOU BROKE A VASE!" He yelled. I bowed before him, "I know, I know, I'm sorry. I've been so tired lat-" I tried to explain but he interrupted me. "THAT'S THE SAME EXCUSE YOU GAVE ME THE LAST TWO TIMES!" He yelled. "Y-Yes I know, I'm sorry," I pleaded.

"Since your not good at being a man I might as well turn you into a women," he said. I looked up at him with shock in my eyes. "W-Wait d-darling, I can do better I promise," I said stuttering on my words. "I gave you enough chances," he said walking towards me. I quickly scoot away from him, but he walks faster. He caught up to me and grabbed my hair taking me to the bathroom. "I'll come back when I have some clothes for you," he said pushing me into the bathroom, locking the door.

I fall back and curl up into a ball. I tried to stop myself from crying but the tears fell from my eyes. I wanted to wrap myself around my wings and be safe but he'll yell at me again. I then hear the door open and him walking in with some clothes. "Take those off," he demanded. "W-We can talk this out c-can't we?" I asked nervously. He didn't like my response, he grabbed me, held me down and started taking off my clothes.

Once I was only in my boxers he put me to stand up, and put a corset on my waist. He pulled the strings and I can feel oxygen leave my body. "C-Can't breath," I managed to let out. "You'll get used to it," he said tying a knot. "Arms up!" He demanded. I raise them and he puts a women's dress shirt on me. He then sat me down and put black stockings on me. He then slipped a tight knee-length skirt on me. He was reaching to grab my beanie but I immediately pulled away. "Please at least them me keep this, my dad gave this to me," I explained.

He thought about it for a moment, shook his head and took off the beanie from my head. The moment he did my long raven hair fell from it. I latched onto his shirt, "Please, I beg of you!" I screamed. He pushed me down and threw it to the side with the rest of my clothes. He took a brush and combed out the knots in my hair. After he was done my hair fell all the way to my waist. I never got the chance to cut it ever since I married him. 3 whole years it's been growing out.

He then grabs my makeup from the cupboard and applies some to my face. "You only have foundation? I'll buy you more later," he stated finishing up my face. He then put the make-up away and demanded, "Stand!" I stood up, he took my clothes from the ground and walked out the bathroom holding my hand.

He took me to a full view mirror in our room and I looked at myself. "Look at you so gorgeous," he said running his hands through my hair. Gorgeous where? I look hideous, I don't like this at all. "I'll get rid of those ugly clothes for you. Don't worry sweetheart," he said turning me around and wrapping his arms around me. God I want to die...


You identify as one thing or the other. Maybe you hate what you identify as but wish to be the other. I'm a special case... My parents always told me I'm special. I could be a boy or a girl and no one would know. I've always wondered why they a said that but at least I now know the truth. He does as well, that's why he made me dress that way. I'm born with both organs of the male and female.

I have a hormone imbalance that's why some parts of me look feminine while others masculine. I hated every bit of that feminine in me, I wanted to be a man. And I am a man but he doesn't see me as one. I have the voice, the chest, the parts.... The parts, yes the parts. The parts that are able to make children, he's been bugging me about it ever since he found out. "We can finally have children together, that would bring us together," or "Why don't we start our own family together? Doesn't that sound nice?"

It makes me sick, I don't want to bare any children especially to this man. He kept talking and talking and talking about it until I finally broke. "Prove to me that you can take care of children. Prove to me that you'll take care of me and the children that I'll bare for you," I said. I smirked, I know he couldn't do it, he can't go one day without alcohol, one day without saying something nasty or so I thought.

"Alright anything for you," he said taking and kissing my hand. I was surprised, for an entire month, he kept his promise. He didn't drink, he didn't hurt me, whenever I did something wrong he'd comfort me and tell me it's alright. He was returning to the way he was when we got married. I fell for him again and agreed to bare his children for him. In full honesty, it was the worst mistake of my life....

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