Chapter 7: Taken

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Quackity's POV

(Major trigger warning be aware please. These are things that happen in real life so I'm referencing them cause I want people to be more aware of this. Please try to limit the amount of jokes or comments telling me I'm wrong for this :/ )

I was finally safe, away from Schlatt, away from the beatings, away from the stress and worry that my children might be harmed. I even found my mate, after so many years. Like in my dream he takes care of me and the kids, even playing with them. I'm surprised he warmed up to them right away but I'm happy nonetheless. But a person can't stay happy for so long.

They had an exhibition to go on, it would take a day and a half. I didn't want them to leave I was kind of paranoid honestly. I can tell Techno was feeling the same but he needs to go. It was Tommy, Ranboo, Tubbo, Phil and Techno going. Leaving me by myself, I can't beg him not to go. That would be selfish of me... They all waved me a goodbye, after everyone left it was me and Techno.

He gave me a kiss on my head and waved me a goodbye. I'm smiling like an idiot aren't I? I go back inside to where my babies are, I lay next to them and take out my wings to shield all of them. They were all awake and moving around so I stayed up to watch them, even though I'm extremely tired. After an hour I was starting to slowly dozing off but then I hear footsteps. I recognize those steps... I quickly get up and grab 4 invisibility potions from the chest. I drink one and hide under the bed with all my children in my wings. I then pour the potion on them as well.

They then open the door to my room. They close the door behind them as well and starts searching the area. "Alexa," they extended my name looking for me. "Come back to me dear, we have children to take care of," Schlatt said looking around. I then hear some of the children start whimpering. They always whimpered when he came around. I quickly pick up the ones whimpering and shush them, "Mommy's here," I whispered loud enough for only them to hear.

I then hear Schlatt footsteps stop. The children stop whimpering and now it's just silence. I quickly put the children down, next thing I knew I'm pulled from under the bed. I yelp as he grabbed my leg, "There you are," he said with a smile. My invisibility then wore off and I grit my teeth. "Where are the kids?" He asked raising an eyebrow. I raise my wings and glare at him. "You know what never mind, I already know," he said pinning me down to the ground putting handcuffs on me.

I tried to get out of it but it didn't work. He then pulled the children from under the bed and they all started crying. "No!" I yelled, "Do whatever you want with me but don't take them!" He chuckled, "Luckily for you, I need all of you," he said. He then placed all of the kids in two baskets, put a note on the table and picked them up. Taking them outside, no, no, no, no! Not my babies, I almost cried. He then comes back and picks me up.

He carries me off to his car and put me in the back seat next to my children. I then use my wings to shield them as I felt the car start up. He then takes off, heading to the White House. I grit my teeth, I can hear my children crying but I can't tend to them properly, I hope this works. I lean down in front of them and hum, I make sure to do it loud enough so they can hear me.

They slowly start to calm down and fall asleep. Once they all finally fall asleep I sit up and scoop them up in my wing. He then pulls into the driveway, stops the car and gets out. He comes to my side of the car but I move away from him. He sighs and goes in the car pulling me out. I can't put up a struggle, I'm afraid that my children would fall out of my wings. He takes me out of the car and leads me into the basement.

He made it into a bedroom and a place for the kids to sleep. He then puts a collar around my neck and uncuffs me. I then quickly back away from him in the corner of the room. He chuckles and walks closer, I lay my babies down on the bed. I go in front of them and raise my wings. I then growl at him the closer he comes, "What do you want from me?" I asked angrily. "I want you and the kids," he replied with a smile. "Stop lying, you planned to kill me!" I yelled.

"Look that was the old me, you are of much value to me now. Hell I mean you are going to take care of my children even the future ones," he replied. "Future ones? I'm not having anymore children with you!" I yelled. "You feel it don't you, after you've been bred you feel the need to do it again," he said, now we are face to face. His smile turned into a frown, "Wow you probably done it already, I can smell the scent of another man on you," he said, "What a slut... How could you do that to your mate?"

"You are not my mate and you know that!" I yelled, "You think I don't know what you've been doing for the past 3 years? Do you really think I'm that stupid?" He looked surprised a bit, "Putting estrogen into my food, so I can turn into a female, so my fertility rate would rise. Seeing a witch to get a love potion in my food everyday so I would see you as my mate! You make me sick!" I yelled. He scoffed, "So be it then," said cracking his neck and nuckles, "I still need to punish you for leaving so why don't we start with that huh?"

I flinch a bit as he came closer, I raised my wings ready to protect my children. He then grabbed me by my hair and carried me to a different section of the room. He then throws me to the ground and pins me down. I try to fight him back but he overpowered me. He ripped off all of my clothes leaving me in nothing. I then quickly tuck away my wings so he doesn't hurt them. He then grabs both of my wrists and raised them high up. Leaving me exposed and insecure...

Afterwards he unbuckles his belt and makes a whip sound with it. I flinch a bit from the sound and watch him again. He then raised the belt up and hits me on my back. "Ah!" I screamed out. He then continuously beat me with each hit having more force than the last. He hit me for the last time and let go of my wrists. "Let this be a lesson for next time you want to defy me," he said. He glared at me as a silently cried. He raised my chin up to meet his eyes, he then kissed me lips. I tried to pull away from him but I don't have the strength.

I felt another piece of my soul leave my body as he departed from me. "We'll talk more about my future children later, kay?" He said getting up. He walked away and out of the room. God he doesn't know how much I want to kill him when I regain my strength again. I then touch my back and hiss, there are markings of the belt too.... I then get up and fall back down. I then hear one of my babies start to cry, I gather up my strength and get up.

I fumble my way over to the bed I rest them in and lay next to them. I take out my wings and shield all of us. I fed and quiet down all of them, "Shh, I'm right here, momma's alright," I whispered fighting back tears. They all calmed down and fell asleep again. I turn my wings into a sold gold shell to protect all of us. My wings are indestructible at this point. I fall asleep quickly, I need to recover my strength for tomorrow.

I really hope they reach home soon and find out that I'm gone. I don't wanna be here anymore, I don't like it here. I'm scared and I'm not strong enough to protect all my babies... I need a savior... Please save me Techno...

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