Chapter 14: Retrieving the Taken

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Multiple POVs
Technoblade's POV

I've been searching all day for Quackity and the kids. I can't find them anywhere, I can't trace them either. I'm really starting to worry, especially for Quackity. He's expecting soon, I can't leave him... I grit my teeth, I can't do it on my own. I run all the way to Ranboo's house and break down the door. "Tubbo!" I yelled. I then see Ranboo's turn his head to the door. He then tilted his head, "What's wrong Techno?" He asked.

"Where's Tubbo, I need to find him!" I yelled. "He's in L'Manburg, something wrong?" He asked. "Quackity and the children are gone!" I yelled. His eyes widened and he dropped everything he was doing. "Let's go!" He said running towards me. I then run off towards the SMP, with Ranboo's following behind me. We then go to the White House and run in. "Tubbo!" I yelled. I then hear a door open and he is standing at the baloney. "Quackity and the kids are gone!" I yelled.

He gasped and ran downstairs, "What the fuck do you mean they're gone!" He yelled. "Listen all I need you to do is sense them, I can't locate them!" I responded. He sighed and concentrated, he then raised his hand pointing towards Tommy's house. "There!" He yelled, we all rushed through the door. We made it up the hill to Tommy's house and burst down the door. I then ran over to the kids on the bed. "Papa..." Viscount said.

"Yes yes I'm right here, what happened?" I asked. "A man with horns took us... Mommy helped us get away," he replied. A man with h- I grit my teeth. "Schlatt..." I replied. "Wait but didn't you kill him?!" Tubbo asked. "Seems like it wasn't him," I replied standing up. "Do you know where Momma is Viscount?" I asked. "She's 2000 blocks east of spawn near the mountains and cliffs.." He said tiredly. "It's alright Viscount, go to sleep," I said.

He closed his eyes and fell asleep. "Tubbo take care of the kids, I have a bastard to kill," I said running out the house. Wait for me Quackity, I'm coming...

Quackity's POV

I managed to convince him not to have sex with me which is good but he's toying with my body instead. I'm exhausted as hell too... At least the children got away which is good. Now all I need to do is find my way out of here. I've tried searching but I've come up with nothing. I'm honestly scared as fuck... I don't know what to do. I can't get out of here...

Techno I miss you so much.... This wasn't a good time to be kidnapped either I'm expecting just now. This is such a drag... I then sit up from the bed he put me to lay in. I look around the room more, I then see a drawer. I turn into a duck and waddle over, once I'm in front of the drawer I open it. I just see more toys and clothing for me, I sigh and close the drawer. If only I could go back before I even married him... But then I wouldn't have my children...

My beautiful lovely children. I turn into a duck and waddle back to the bed. I transform back and lay on the bed. I whimper slightly, oh my babies... I was on the verge of crying but then I felt a vibration from my stomach. I look down at my stomach and smile, "Are you comforting me?" I asked, "Thank you..." They then vibrate again and I let out a hum. I then hear the door open up and Schlatt walks in.

He walks in and walks over to me, he gets on the bed and kneels down in front of me. "Hello gorgeous lady," he smiled. If only it was Techno who said that... I let out a small smile and a hum. "How are you holding up, you okay?" He asked. I nod my head and I watched as he raised his hand a little. He then cuffed my left cheek and I leaned into it. I then sigh, "What's wrong baby?" He asked.

"I'm a little hungry," I replied distracting him. He let out a hum, "I'll get you something, want any sweets?" He asked. I nod my head, "Yes please," I replied. He then removed his hand from my face and got up from the bed. "I'll be right back okay," he said walking to the door. "Okay," I replied. He then exits the room, and I sigh again.

I then sense Techno nearby, I immediately sit up. I then hear a pickaxe mining to my left. He then put a pick through the first block and he was surprised when he saw me. The tears weld up in my eyes, "Techno," I choked. He broke through the wall and ran to me. He immediately hugged me and I clung onto him. He took his robe and placed it over my body then lifted me up. I held onto him like my life depended on it.

I then heard the door open and Schlatt walked in. "What the fuck?" He said dropping the bowl of sweets. Techno rest me down on the bed and pulled out his sword. "I'll make sure to do the job right this time," he said running to him. He didn't give Schlatt time to react, he tackled him and stabbed him in the heart multiple times. I felt like I was gonna hurl so I looked away. I thought I was gonna throw up the lunch I never had...

JSchlatt was stabbed to death by Technoblade

I saw the message in chat and I felt relieved. I then felt hands on me again, I look over and it's Techno. He was covered in blood... He lifted me up again and walked out the way he came. I clung onto him like I was going to loose him. "Bubba..." I whimpered. "Shhh, it's going to be okay, I've got you," he reassured me. I felt tired, I really want to sleep... I was fighting the urge to close my eyes. "Go to sleep feathers, I got you," he said looking down at me.

I nod my head and lean into his chest. I then immediately fall asleep. It's not a lie, I was exhausted. At least I'm safe now, and I'm glad. My savior has saved me once again...

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