Chapter 6: The Escapist

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Quackity's POV

Schlatt did keep his promise, he took care of me and the kids but I have a feeling that something is wrong. Whenever he's feeding me, I don't feel healthier but I feel frail and weaker. At first I thought it's maybe because of the pregnancy but Puffy told me I was fine. That is when my suspicion sparked up. He's also been more secretive, well he was secretive before but now it's worse. Like he's hiding something from me so I'll find it out for myself.

I woke up in the middle of the night just as planned. I make sure that my children are still sleeping and I get up from my bed. I walk out the room and in the hallway, that is when I heard talking. I walk downstairs and peep through the dining room doors. It's Schlatt on the phone, I listen in more.

"Things aren't going as planned," he said. "The poison I've been giving her isn't working. I'm thinking about hiring someone to do the job for me," he replied. "She's been so possessive with the kids, I can't do what I need to do with her around. I have to get rid of her!" He yelled. My breath hitched and I quietly backed away from the door. I knew it! I flap my wings and make my way upstairs to my room. I lock the door behind me and quickly gather things for me and my babies.

I pick up my phone and send Tubbo and Ranboo a text. They are my best bet right now... I change my clothes, I put on a warm dress with a coat, boots, a mask and a hat. I then grab two large baskets to carry my children in. I place all the chicks in one and the goats in the other. I also grabbed the essential things we need. I then open the window in our room, walk over, pick up all my bags along with my children and fly out the house.

I know I probably won't make it far, Schlatt has weakened me. But I can't give up, not on my children. I then flapped my wings making my way full speed to Snowchestor. I start reaching the cold and that's when my wings begin to freeze up. I shiver a bit but keep going, I make it to where I see two houses. Tubbo lives around here, it's better that I ask them. I land near the entrance of their house and tuck my wings into my coat so they can warm up.

I walk up and knock on the door. "Coming!" I heard. Next thing I knew I see Phil, my face lit up. "Phil!" I replied excitingly. "Uh- yeah hi. Do I know you?" He asked. "I know it's kinda hard to believe but I'm Quackity," I explained. I then take off my hat showing my raven hair. He took one look at my face and gasped. "Oh my god, I almost didn't recognize you," he said. I chuckled and put my hat back on. "Yeah, Nikki said the same thing," I replied.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Schlatt you are the vice president right?" He asked. I sigh, "I'm not safe at all with him," I replied lowering my head. "I just need to know where Tubbo lives," I replied. "He lives a little further back," I heard him say. My head hurts, "Hold these things for me Phil," I said passing him the two baskets. "O-Okay are you okay?" He asked. "I-" before I could speak I passed out.

It was either from the poison, the lack of sleep or the fact that I've been in the cold for too long. I had a dream of me and my children laughing and playing with a man with pink long hair. He seemed so happy with us, he even played with the kids, took care of them even though they weren't his own. I smiled, was Schlatt not my soulmate then, truly. I had a dream about this man for years but his face was always covered up or not visible.

I wish I could meet him, I smiled. I then slowly open my eyes, I see myself in a bed. I immediately shoot up and look around. "Where is Phil, he has my children," I thought to myself. "Calm down feathers," I heard a voice say. I glance over and it's Technoblade, I then look even more around the room. I then see the two large baskets, I try to get up but immediately fall back down.

Techno seemed startled by my action. He came over and lifted me up, he then put my to lay down on the bed. I tried to fight against him but I didn't have the strength. "The two baskets," I whispered. He let out a hum and looked over, he took them up and brought them over. He then layed them on the edge of the bed. I then sit up a little and grab the two baskets lifting them up on the bed. I uncover the blankets over them revealing my children.

I smile to myself, I'm glad they're safe. "Who's children are those?" Techno asked. "Mine," I replied. I didn't feel the urge to kill him, I didn't even want to hurt him. I know he's dangerous and all but I don't see him as a threat, I wonder why. I pick up Silvy and hold her in my arms. "How'd all this happen?" He asked. He gets straight to the point doesn't he. "They're Schlatt's and my children, well not his anymore," I replied.

He tilted his head, "He attempted to kill me, since I was so protective over them. The slightest movement at night would cause me to wake up with red glowing eyes staring at anyone who cause a threat to my children. Even Schlatt, he was terrified after what Puffy said the day they were born," I explained. "What did she say?" He asked. "She said that I will be more hostile towards those that i see as a threat to my children, even him, " I replied.

"Aren't you and Schlatt mates?" He asked. I shook my head, "I haven't found my actual one," I replied. "How come you don't see me as a threat?" He asked. "I don't know either, but since they're not orphans I don't need to worry do i?" I said. He chuckled and I giggled with him, next thing I knew I heard someone burst through the door. I raised my wings and then I saw Tubbo, I lowered them. I softened my expression, he walked over to us. "Big Q! Are you alright?" He asked.

"Hi Tubbo! Yes I'm alright," I greeted back. "Who is that, you are holding?" He asked. I look down at my child and replied, "You're kid sister." I look up at Tubbo and I can see his eyes light up. "Can I hold her?" He asked. I nod my head and pass Silvy over to him. He cradled her and started talking to her. I just smiled and then I yawned. "Nap time, feathers," Techno said. I never knew I had a dad with pink hair and he's American too, today is full of surprises.

I didn't have the energy to fight up with him. I then take off the blankets from the baskets and place them down in the bed. I then slowly take each child, one by one and place them next to me. I then look over at Tubbo and he nods, passing me back my baby. I smile, "Thank you," I replied. He nodded, "Get some sleep," he replied walking out the door. I rest down Silvy and then look at Technoblade.

I look him straight in the eyes and he looks at me. His brown eyes then turned gold and I can feel my soul connect with his. By the shocked expression on his face I can tell he feels it too. Our eyes don't turn back, that means, he's my soulmate.... The moment it hit me my face turned bright pink. I quickly turn away from him and he let out a hum. It was a happy hum, a hum that has a smile behind it.

"Go to sleep feathers, we'll talk more in the morning," he said sweetly. I look over at him and I can feel my cheeks are flushed. I then quickly nod my head and he gets up to leave. In full honesty I don't want him to leave. I than mustard up the courage and pulled the sleeve of his shirt. He looked back at me and tilted his head. "Don't go, please," I said in a low quiet voice. He smiled and nodded, he than sat at the edge of the bed. Giving me and my children enough space, I then lay my head back down.

This time I'm going to bed with a genuine smile on my face after 3 years... This feels nice. I then doze off to sleep. I heard Techno move around but i didn't wake up. I just slept, he made me feel safe and I loved feeling safe. I haven't felt safe in a while so I'm taking it in while it lasts.

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