Chapter 9: My Savior

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Quackity's POV

I wake up with my body aching in pain. I whimper slightly then I hear movement, I look in the direction and see Techno, coming towards me. I then realized that I was still truly naked, so I didn't raise up my chest. "I hope you feel a little better, I put ointment on your wounds," he said sitting down besides me. I smile and lean my head on his, I don't care if I'm exposing myself right now.

"You truly are my savior thank you so much..." I said holding back tears. I then cuff his face with my hands and kiss his forehead. He let out a hum, he sounds happy, I can also see his pig ears start to move as well. I giggle and then lay back down of the bed. I wince a little but I can manage. "Is it alright if I touch you? Like your wings?" He asked. I nod my head and spread my wings so he can touch them.

He then massages them in a pattern that causes me to purr. I close my eyes and, smile, it felt so nice. I felt one of my children move, I quickly look over and see Viscount moving. He gets up and walks over to me, nuzzles up to me, "Hi baby," I coed. I then lean sideways away from Techno focusing on my baby. Once Viscount got comfortable the rest followed suit after him. I chuckle as they all came closer to me.

I then pet all of my children and hum. I then look back at Techno, he was just smiling at us. A pink tint stained my cheeks but I smiled back at him. He then takes a container and opened it, it had some kind of gel on it. "This will sting a bit," he said applying it to my back. And he was right, it hurts like a motherfucker, I whimper as I tried to stay still while he applied it.

He finished applying it and I breathed heavily. Techno then came closer to me kissing my cheek, "You did well," he complimented. I quickly nod my head and paced my breathe. I then hear Silvy and Saanvi start to whimper. "Mommy's alright," I reassured them both. They slowly started quieting down, I sigh and look over at Techno. He's just smiling at me, I then start to hum and he follows the tune with me.

I look down and see all my children looking up at me, but still following the tune. They all start to purr and snuggle up with each other. They all looks so beautiful, I then put away my wings, pick up Alexis and Alexander, lay on my back and place them on my chest so I'm not fully exposed. The others followed suit, the chicks layed on my chest while the goats layed on my stomach.

Techno's POV

I watched as he organized himself with his kids. When he fixed himself in the position he wanted, all the children followed suit. It was honestly quite adorable. I then look at Quackity once more and he looks like an angel. An angel with golden wings, an angel who's been through so much but has faith in their god still. And he was my mate, he looked stunning, like light rays shined on the best parts of his skin.

I snap out of my trance, "You alright, you doin' okay?" I asked making sure. He nodded his head and smiled at me. "Hungry? Want anything?" I asked. He nodded his head, "I'm fine with anything you bring me," he whispered. He sounds so tired but so happy at the same time. Part of me pains to hear but the other is so happy. I nod my head, get up, walk out the room and head to the kitchen.

I see Phil in the corner of my eye, "Hey Phil," I greeted. "Hi mate," he responded looking up from his newspaper, "Quackity doin' alright?" He asked. I nod my head, "He's just hungry now," I replied. Phil let out a hum and nodded, going back to his newspaper. He chuckled as I went to go cook up some food. "What's funny Phil?" I asked. "You two remind me of Kristian and I, that's all," He replied. I let out a hum, "Where's mom now?" I asked.

"She's the goddess of death, she has work to do so she's not here all the time," he said with, sadness at the last part. "I'm sure she'll return to you one day Phil," I said trying to cheer him up. "Yeah, thanks," he replied sounding a bit cheerful. I let out a hum and cook a simple breakfast for Quackity. I know that sometimes he doesn't eat at all, I think he developed an eating disorder being with Schlatt... So I'm going to try my best to build back up his stomach.

He can't have 10 children and not be strong enough to feed them all, more or less himself. I make some fluffy eggs and coffee, for him. I walk with the plate and cup in a tray walking all the way to my room. I open the door and his eyes turned to see me. I walk over to him and rest the tray down as I sat near his bed. "I made eggs, something light so we can build back up your stomach," I said grabbing a fork and taking some of the eggs.

"Thank you," Quackity replied. I then hear the chicks start chirping. Quackity chuckles, "What are they saying?" I asked. "They didn't say anything, I think they're just excited because I'm eating," he replied. I let out a slight hum and put the fork with some eggs near Quackity's mouth. He opens it and I feed him some of the eggs. I then repeat this process a few more times until it was all finished. Quackity sighed, he sounded full.

"Want any coffee?" I offered. "Yes please," he responded. Just as I was going for the coffee, one of the chicks fell. I immediately catch them and sigh, I can tell Quackity's breathe hitched too. I then place them back on Quackity's chest and they snuggled up to him. I then chuckle and look at Quackity, he started giggling as well. "You might need to sit up a bit," I said taking up the coffee again.

I then hear him move, a bit, I look over with the coffee in my hand. I look down and pass it to him, I don't want to make him uncomfortable. He chuckled, "Thank you," he replied. I heard him drinking some of the coffee, and I turned my back to him, to make sure I don't see anything. Next thing I knew I feel a arms wrap around my torso and a chest against my back. I look back and it's Quackity sitting behind me, hugging me.

I wanted to hug him, I felt the urge but I didn't want to make him uncomfortable. He put kisses on the back of my neck while rubbing my stomach. I let out a hum, I was satisfied, I was happy, I was content. My ears then started moving showing my sign of happiness. "May I hug you?" I asked shyly. "Yeah I don't mind," he said letting go of my torso.

Quackity's POV

I let go of Techno so he can hug me. He quickly turned around and wrapped his arms around me. I then wrap my arms around him and place my head in the crook of his neck. I felt my soul reunite with his and then I felt a warm feeling in my stomach. It was burning hot but it didn't hurt. It just felt a little weird, but I shrug it off and keep hugging him. All the chicks and goats sit lay in the middle of us. Mainly sitting one our laps, we both chuckled.

I then feel one of the chicks nuzzle against my stomach. I thought nothing of it at first but then the rest of the chicks nuzzled against me. I then depart from Techno to look at all my chicks. "You guys alright?" I asked. They kept nuzzled against my stomach next thing I knew, the goats were rubbing against my body as well. I then looked at Techno and I can tell he knows what going on.

"The burning sensation in your stomach, did you feel it?" He asked. I nodded my head, "I guess they can sense them as well," he chuckled. Them? Them? I scan my brain to find a possible answer and it hit me. I immediately blush and look away. He chuckled, "Don't worry feathers, I got you." I smile and nodded.

My Savior (Quackity x Technoblade) Where stories live. Discover now