Chapter 8: Rescue Team

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Multiple POVs
Techno's POV

I was asleep in the middle of the night when I awoke. I felt the need to check on Quackity, make sure he's okay. We ended up finishing the exhibition early, so we are camping for the night. We are about an two hours away, walking distance from the house. Why do I feel angsty, I stand up and check outside. He'll be alright, he'll be alright, you'll see him there tomorrow along with the children... I told myself over and over again putting myself to sleep.

I then wake up in front of the White House. I quickly shoot up and look around. I then hear yelling and screaming coming from inside. I quickly dash inside and follow the noise all the way to a basement? I faze through the locked door and I see Quackity with the children along with... Schlatt. Quackity was without clothing looking beaten and bruised but still protecting his children. Schlatt looked severely upset, he held a belt in his hand. I then saw Quackity hide himself in a cocoon, shield himself and the kids.

I couldn't do anything, all I could do is watch and I felt the anger boil up in me. I'm going to kill him...

Phil then shook me awake, I get up gasping for air. "You alright mate?" He asked. I shook my head, "I think Quackity is in danger," I replied. Everyone's eyes widened, we quickly packed up and clothed ourselves. Making our way back home, I was the first one to reach. I burst through the door and quickly made my way to my room where Quackity was. I open the door and I don't see him or the kids. I then look around the room and find traces of a struggle. I then spot a note in the room, I walk over and pick it up.

"Thanks for taking care of my wife for me. Sorry if she was a bother, I took her back so you don't need to worry anymore"

- Schlatt

The rest of them then came in through the door and noticed the room. They all froze, I look back at them. "Let's go!" I said in an angry tone making my way outside. They all nodded their heads and caught up to me. I then scan the server for where he might be. I then see a golden outline in L'Manburg. I pull out my trident and make my way there. I hear them all following behind me.

"Techno what's going on?" Tubbo asked. "Your father took Quackity back," I responded coldly. They all gasped, and I can hear Tubbo's breathe hitched. "We have to get there and fast!" Tubbo yelled. "Do you know something we don't?" Tommy asked. "If Quackity tries to fight him back any longer then Schlatt would kill him! The same thing happened to my mother!" He yelled.

My heart dropped and the whole place was silent. I then quickly make my way there, going as fast I could. We all make it in front of the White House. Guards were there ready to stop us, I quickly clear them out making our way inside. The sirens then went off and I continued going inside. I quickly make my way to the basement, remembering every part of the house from my dream. I then hear the crying of young children, I also hear banging.

I burst through the door, I see Schlatt and a look over seeing a yellow cacoon. Tubbo, Tommy and Ranboo make there way me. "Dad?" Tubbo whispered out loud enough for him to hear. Schlatt looked over and looked at all of us, he then nervously smiled.

Quackity's POV

I heard Schlatt yelling at me to undo my cocoon, I knew the moment I did he would hurt me again... I then hear the siren, go off, someone is in the White House?... My babies then begin crying, I cradled them all in my arms trying to quiet them down but they are too scared. I then hear the door being burst through. Then I hear more footsteps, "Dad?" I heard a whisper.

At that moment I knew it was Tubbo and the rest of them. I then lightened up my feathers and peaked through, still covering my body and my babies. I saw Techno, Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo. My face lit up, Techno then notices me and quickly dashes for me. He came close and noticed the state that I was in.

Techno's POV

I quickly dashes to Quackity and saw the state he was in. He had marks all over his body, he was even naked too but the children look unharmed. I take off my robe and place it over Quackity, covering, his body and the children. I look over at Tubbo and he nods, then goes back upstairs. I take out my netherite sword and slowly walk over to Schlatt. He then takes out his netherite sword, ready to attack.

I sprint over to him swinging my sword. He then clashes his sword with mine, resulting in us fighting for a battle of strength. I quickly overtake him, causing him to loose his balance. When I notice, I quickly kick him to the ground and pull my sword near his throat. I saw him pull out a remote from his pocket, press it and quickly destroy it. I then hear Quackity scream in pain. I look over at Tommy and he nods, he quickly makes his way to Quackity.

Quackity's POV

I was about to watch Schlatt get murdered, it was a dream come true. I was waiting for anticipation, then I saw him pull out a remote and press the button. I then hear a click, I then look down and notice my collar lit up green. I then receive several shocks running down my body. I scream in pain as I try to fight the urge to pass out. I can't pass out, I have to keep my children safe until he's dead. I then saw Tommy sprinting towards me.

He notices that I'm naked a bit and immediately blushed but tried to help me remove the collar from my neck. I then look over at Techno and see his sword fling, slitting Schlatt's throat. I then put the biggest smirk on my face showing my sharp teeth. Tommy and Ranboo looked a bit frightened by my expression. They flinched at my response but Ranboo knocks out of the trance and immediately dashes towards me.

I saw Tommy back away a bit in fear. Ranboo then attends to me trying to get the collar off my neck. "It's won't budge!" Ranboo said struggling to take it off. Techno then quickly came over and attempted it himself. "Hold on for a bit this might hurt," he said. He then positioned my neck in a certain way and with one hand ripped off the collar. My body was relieved from pain and I immediately fell on Techno.

Catching my breathe, breathing heavily on his chest. He holds onto me, comforting me. I catch my breathe and look up at him. I give him a weak smile and he smiled back at me. I then feel my eyes start to get heavier, "I'm tired," I managed to breathe out. I yawn and then fall asleep on him.

Techno's POV

I catch Quackity in my arms and hug him. "Help me carry all the children please," I said looking at Ranboo and Tommy. They nodded their heads and they each carried 2 children. I call for Phil and Tubbo to help me with the rest. I then take the last 2 and place them in my robe on Quackity's body. They immediately cuddled up to Quackity and I just smiled.

I lift him up and carried him out of the White House. We all head to SnowChester, we all make sure that Quackity and the children are warm as we walked. We finally make it into the house, I walk into my room and rest Quackity down. They all walk in after and place the babies down near him. "Thanks," I said rubbing the back of my head. "Anything for you king!" Tommy said with a wink.

I chuckle, they all slowly left the room leaving Quackity and I. I put down my smile and turn into a straight face. I walk over to Quackity and check his body. I took my robe off of him and the moment I did I see lines, bruises and marks of something that looks like it was made with leather. I move the children out of the way so I can put Quackity on his stomach. I grab an ointment and walk over to him. I then put all of his hair in one and rub the ointment on his back.

He moved and wimpered around a little like he was in pain. "I know, I know it hurts I'm sorry," I whispered rubbing the rest of his back. He whimpered once more and the ointment was slowly healing his wounds. I grit my teeth as I watched him in pain. I place a blanket on the lower half of his body. The upper half had to be exposed so the ointment can work. I then walk over to the couch in my room and sit on it.

Staring at Quackity, and being left to my thoughts. I should've given him a more painful death... I mean I wanted to but I didn't want to scare Quackity but when I looked back, he had the sickest smile on his face. His eyes also glowed red, a very bright shade of it too. Showing his sharp teeth and all like he enjoyed his death. Like he was happy that it was finally over.

I'm happy that it's over as well...

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