Chapter 15: Delivery

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Multiple POVs
Quackity's POV

While Techno has been carrying me home, I barely got to sleep. The kids keep kicking me... I whimper slightly, "What's wrong feathers," Techno asked entering the arctic biome. "The kids won't stop kicking me.." I whimpered. He let out a hum and picked up the pace all the way to the house. "Just breathe for me okay," he said. "Okay," I replied. I then start the breathing exercises Puffy taught me.

I wince again, they are getting more painful with every kick. I still continue to breathe, we reach through the front door of the house and Techno rushes upstairs. He lays me on the bed and grabs his phone. I keep up my breathing exercises until... My water, it broke... "Techno!" I yelled. He looked and ran over to me. "What's wrong?" He asked. "My water.." I whimpered. His eyes widened, "His water broke hurry!" He yelled. He then hung up the phone and held my hand.

"It's gonna be alright, I'm right here. Keep breathing," he said. I quickly nod my head and keep breathing. When I had my first batch it wasn't this fuckin' painful. I grit my teeth, I keep breathing and breathing even though it hurts. I then hear the doorbell ring, Techno gets up and rushes out the door. Keep breathing, keep breathing, eek- Be gentle with me please, this is too painful. The ends of my eyes has tears, "Quackity!" Techno yelled. I then awoke from my trance and looked at him.

I then saw Puffy setting up for the delivery. "I need you to breathe Quackity," Puffy said. "Okay," I whimpered. I then started breathing again, Techno held my head all the way through. If I wasn't in so much pain I would be enjoying this. Puffy positioned me correctly and checked on me. "Keep breathing Quackity, you're only on 6cm I need you at 13," she said. 13? That long... I don't know if I can bare the pain.

Quackity you did it once you can do it again, stop being a pussy... I keep breathing while squeezing Techno's hand. "You're doing great," Techno said. He kept giving me compliments and notes of reassurance. After a few minutes of breathing, "You're ready to push Quackity," Puffy said, "Take a deep breathe in," I then follow her instructions and breathe in, "Out," she said. I then breathed out, "One more time," she said. I then breathe in and out again, "Push," she said.

I followed her instructions and pushed, it hurt so much, I ended up squeezing Techno's hand. "Breathe again," she said. I followed her instructions, "Push," she said. I pushed once more and I heard crying. Puffy then wrapped a baby piglet with white wings in a blanket and rest them near me. I blink once more and the next things I knew I was surround by nine more piglets. I had hair sticking to my face with red marks coming down my cheeks from the tears.

I smile and look at all my babies laying near me. I lay down next to them and I hear the door burst open. "Mommy!" They yelled. "Shhh," I quiet them down. They tilted their heads in confusion, "Come," I gestured to them. They all walked towards me and they see 10 blankets on the bed.

Viscount's POV

I walk over to the bed and see 10 blankets. I then noticed one of them moved a bit. I turn my attention to that one and look at it. I then walk over to the blanket and I see a pig in it. "Mommy why are there pigs in blankets?" I asked. "They are piglets and they are your younger siblings," she responded. My eyes light up, "Really?" We asked. Mommy then nod her head, she looks tired though. I walk over to mommy and climb up on the bed. "Sleep," I said laying my hand gently on her face.

She smiled and closed her eyes. I then look over at my younger siblings. I saw more of them moving around this time. I then saw a lady packing up things. "Thank you Puffy," Daddy said. She smiled, I climbed down from the bed and walked to her. "Thank you Auntie," I said tugging on her pants. She kneeled down and ran her hands through my hair, "You're welcome," she replied. She then raised up, took her things and left the room.

"How about you guys go to sleep, you've been through a lot for the past week," Daddy said. We all nod our heads and walk out the room. Daddy follows behind us going to our bedroom. We all climb up on our beds and get comfortable. "You guys alright, need anything?" Daddy asked. "No," we all said. He let out a hum, he then carried the tune. It sounded nice, it was the one mommy sang us earlier.

I heard my siblings yawn, some of them hummed along with him. I don't sleep until they do, yeah sure I sleep a lot but I'm never truly asleep until they are or if I'm safe with mommy and daddy. Yeah i close my eyes it's because I'm training myself to be able to see with my eyes closed. It might come in handy later on, is what I've always told myself. I then felt all my siblings fall asleep so I closed my eyes as well. I slowly drift off to sleep but before I do I'm able to see every part of the room.

I'm glad my months of practice didn't go to waste...

Techno's POV

I saw that all the children fell asleep. So I turned off the light and closed the door behind me. I then go to mine and Quackity's room, I close the door behind me after walking in. I walk to him and sit down on the opposite side away from the kids. I sigh, I should clean myself up... I'm still covered in blood, another white shirt ruined... I sigh and get up, I then hear one of the children oink. I smile and walk over to them, I kneel down and observed them all.

When tomorrow comes, Quackity and I get to name them. I then poke one of them on the cheek and chuckle. Their face is squishy, I'm not one for children but I'll take care of all 20 of mine. One of their hooves reached out to touch my hand. I let out a hum once they touched me. I get up and walk over to the dresser to grab myself two night gowns. I grab a red one and a blue one, I then walk into the bathroom. I turn on the tub and walk back into the room.

I pick up Quackity bridal style and walk into the bathroom again. I remove his and my clothes, I then lay him in the tub. I follow after, I make sure to check his body of any scars. I'm glad their is none put his wrists looks like their were cuffs put on them. His wings also look a little matted. I then gently wash and unmat his wings. Once I did I saw that his face eased up a bit. I smile and take care of the rest of his body.

Once I finish with his, I then start on mine. After I finish soaping myself, I rinse off and just chill in the bathtub. I then feel the water slightly move. I look up and see Quackity moving around. I bring him to me so his head is laying on my chest. Once he senses me, he calms down and falls back asleep, resting his hand on my chest. I lean my head back and sigh. I shouldn't be sighing this much, before I even turn 30 I'll have grey hair.

I chuckle to myself and close my eyes. Tomorrow is another day...

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