Chapter 5: The Arrival

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Quackity's POV

It's been 4 months since the last time I've visited Puffy. I was expecting sometime this month. Around this week, and I'm scared. Really scared if I'm honest, I've never gave birth before. Puffy told me it'll only hurt for a short period of time. But I've been to hospitals and I've heard ladies scream in pain. I don't want that and plus I'm having 10 kids, what does that say about me.

Puffy did more of an examination on them. 4 of them are goats with wings, 4 are ducks with horns and the last two is a regular goat and a regular chick. I can't even move around as much with all this weight on me. In order to move I have to turn into a duck and I still move slowly. So Schlatt just carries me where I want to go. I have to admit he has been taking care of me but I'm still worried about that dream I had.

Will it come true? Will he really kill me if I were to give my children to someone else so they can be away from him. Or will he just pin it all on me? I thought about that all night as I layed awake. The babies wouldn't let me sleep too, they kept kicking me. "Schlatt," I said waking him up. He let out a hum and slowly raised up. "They won't stop kicking, I think we need to call Puffy," I said. He sighed and nodded his head.

He grabs his phone and calls Puffy. They have a conversation for a little bit and then he hangs up. "She's coming, hang in there for a while okay?" He said. I nod my head trying to control the urge to scream. Then I peed, I gasp and the pain intensifies. "M-My w-water!" I screamed. "Hold on okay, Puffy is coming," he said comforting me, "Deep breath in and out, come on do it with me." I follow his breathing patterns until I hear the doorbell ring. He quickly gets up and answers the door. After a few moments Puffy comes in with blankets and a set of things.

I want to scream so bad, but I'm holding the urge to do so. How do women do this? This is so fuckin painful. Puffy then positions me correctly and goes on the other side of me. "Alright deep breath in," she instructed. I follow, "and out," she continued to say the same thing for 2 minutes. "Alright, you're ready to push," she said, "Take a deep breathe in and push." I did what she told me to do and it was so painful.

I grip onto the side of the bed, I then hear it slowly start breaking. I scream once more and then I hear crying. But it's not coming from me... I then see Puffy holding a baby goat with wings. She cleaned them up and rest them on the bed. I blink and the next thing I knew I have 10 children surrounding me. I'm breathing heavy, my cheeks are stained with tears and my hair is sticking to my face.

At least it isn't so painful now... I then take a look at my children laying next to me. They all look so peaceful and beautiful. I also have the urge to kill anything that wants to harm them.... I pick up two of my children and hold them. The one on my left has curly raven hair, with yellow wings and white horns. The one on my right had brown straight hair with yellow wings and white horns. I look at all my children and smile.

At least it's not too bad, I'm happy with all of them. I take out my wings and shield all of my children. "As figures," Puffy said. Schlatt looked at her with a confused face and let out a hum. "She'll be overprotective of her children. Since she's a yellow duck she's 10x more dangerous. She's even known to kill the father, if she feels threatened," she explained. She looked over at him, "Let's just hope she doesn't see you as a threat," she chuckled, "If she does she'll raise her wings and her eyes will turn red. You won't miss it."

"Yeah," he replied in a low tone. "By the looks of it, she is perfectly fine, just in need of some bed rest," she explained packing up. "Thank you again," Schlatt said. "No worries," she replied, packing the last of her equipment. She collects the remainder of her things and heads out. Now it's just Schlatt and I, I look over at him to watch his every move. I can't harm him in my current state but I can scare him.

He takes a step forward and I raise my wings slightly. He takes another step and I raise them again. I don't trust you around my children... He sighed and stepped away. I lower my wings and watch him. "Alexa..." He said softly, "I can't take care of you or the kids if you do this..." He wants to take care of us? I bet it's another lie of his....i look over at my children. I can't raise them all by myself... I'm going to need him...

I sigh and nod my head, I then glare at him. "One wrong move and I'll kill you," I threatened with a growl. "Yes I understand," he sighed. He walked over to us and picked up one of the children. The one he picked up had white horns with half of their head brown and the other raven black. He cradled them in his arms. All of my children are boys except the last two. The two who is a full goat and a full duck.

"What should we name them?" He asked. I remember Tubbo wanted me to call the oldest Viscount. "Viscount for the eldest, Victor for the second, Vhil (like Phil but v) for the third, Alexander for the fourth, Alexis for the fifth, Alejandro for the sixth, Sander for the seventh, Silver for the eighth, Silvy for the ninth and Saanvi for the tenth," I replied. He let out a slight hum while cradling Viscount.

"You should get some rest, I'll take care of the kids," he said. I let out a hum and rest down Victor and Sander. I then lay facing my children and pull my available wing covering all of them. "Alexa..." He said softly. I scoff and retract my wing, I then look at all of my children and smile. They all look so beautiful, perfect and peaceful. I then slowly close my eyes, it's true, I'm tired as hell. Giving birth is the most tiring thing I ever did in my life.

I then doze off but now I'm fully aware of my surroundings. I've woken up a few times in the night because of the smallest things. Twigs, animals, Schlatt moving around and my children moving as well. I'm always on high alert and that's a good thing. Cause I will protect them no matter the cost...

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