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I had spent the whole day shopping with Lydia and was now collapsed, face-down on her bed with piles of clothes, shoes and shopping bags around me.  'Okay so I was thinking' Lydia says as she holds up a bluey purple long sleeve shirt against her chest. 'This shirt, and..' she gets a purple, pink and white plaid skirt from the bed and holds it below the shirt, '..this skirt.'

I turn over to grab a pair of knee high boots and a black belt and hold them out to her. 'These too.' I say and she nods in response, taking them in her hands and placing the outfit on the floor to view it from afar. She picks up the clothes and shoes and puts them on her chest of draws before turning to me and putting her hands on her hips. 'Now what for Friday?' she ponders aloud. 'Friday?' I ask 'What's Friday?' Lydia gives me a look that says 'Are you okay??' and then I realise.. her party!

Crap. 'Uhh.. isn't Friday like the full moon?' she cocks her head 'Yeah? And?' Shit. 'Never mind' I internally groan. 'So you'll be there? Violet, I can't throw a party with my best friend not there.' I sigh, 'Yes, I'll be there.' Fuck.

Lydia smiles, 'Great. So..... what'm I wearing?' I get off the bed and walk to the bags on the floor. 'This one' I hold up a thick gold bracelet from the floor, 'and this one.' I grab a little black dress out of a Macys bag. She takes them out of my hands and looks at them on her in the mirror. 'Perfect. Simple, but perfect.'

After a while or sorting through clothes and trying things on I looked at the time on my phone and realised it was almost six thirty and the sun was coming down. 'Crud, I told my mum I wouldn't walk home in the dark, I need to go.' Lydia nods and walks me down the stairs. 'I'll pick my stuff up another time when I'm not walking.' I tell her 'Kay just don't take too long, my room can't be a mess forever.'

As I'm walking away from Lydia's I see at least half a dozen cop cars zoom past towards the woods. I hurry home only to see Scott standing on the porch with a baseball bat, 'Scott what the hell are you doing?' he puts his finger to his mouth in a silent attempt to shut me up.  I creep up next to him trying to make no sound and whisper 'what are we doing McCall?' he rolls his eyes at the use of our last name and mutters back 'I think someones here "McCall" so shut up.'

We both scream as Stiles's head comes down from the balcony, 'Jesus Christ Stiles what are you doing?' I say. He looks past me and to Scott 'Why do you have a bat?' He asks, 'I thought you were a predator!' Scott replies 'What the hell are you doing here anyway?' I say.

'Okay okay, get this. My dad just left on a dispatch call, they're bringing every officer in the Beacon department and even the state!' Stiles exclaims excitedly. 'For what?' Scott asks.

'There's a body in the woods' he replies.

'A dead body?' Scott asks and Stiles rolls his eyes. 'No, a body of water. Yes dumbass, a dead body.' Stiles says to him. 'What like murdered?' I ask. 'No one knows yet. It was a girl, probably in her twenties.' Stiles says back to me. 'Well that explains all the cop cars coming past on my way here.' Stiles grabs my wrist 'Cop cars? How many?' 'About half a dozen, if not more.' Scott then cuts in, 'If they found the body... then what are we looking for?'

Stiles's face lights up, 'that's the best part. They only found half!' I shake my head at him and start walking away 'I'm out' Stiles chases after me 'Oh come onnnnnnn Violet.' I sigh, 'God, fine.' I just can't say no to him. Stiles jumps with excitement and turns to Scott with an expecting look. 'I've got practice tomorrow and school and..' he gives in after seeing the pleading looks on our faces, 'fine.' Stiles does a little happy dance that makes both me and Scott laugh.

'Shot gun or I'm not coming!' I call and run off to the blue jeep, my twin and Stiles following close behind. We follow the bright red and blue lights of the cars to the preserve and Stiles parks the car far enough away that the police wouldn't be able to see it. 'Are we really doing this?' Scott quizzed, 'You're the one always bitching that nothing happens in this town, besides, its our last night of summer freedom.' Stiles said to him, 'Nothing does happen in this town' I mutter.

We get out of the car and start walking into the woods, Stiles holding the torch. 'I was tryna get a good night sleep for practice tomorrow' Scott complains. Stiles laughs slightly 'Yes, because sitting on the bench is such a gruelling effort.' I roll my eyes at their bickering and ignore them to continue trying to avoid tree branches and anything that moves.

'So which half of the body are we looking for?' I ask, butting into their conversation. 'I didn't even think of that' Stiles says as he moves the torch off the ground and around the woods. 'Oh my god' I mutter, 'you're an idiot.'

'And what if whoever killed the girl is still out there?' Scott asks him. 'Also something I didn't think about' My palm hits my forehead in an exasperated action as Stiles continues forward. He slows down and as I'm wondering why I see torches and hear dogs barking up ahead. Scott, Stiles and I crouch down to avoid being seen when suddenly Stiles takes off, leaving me and Scott to chase after him.

I start running after him 'STILES!' I whisper-shout and I notice Scott must have fallen behind. I keep running until I bump into Stiles who's been caught by his dad. 'Violet, what the hell are you doing here?' Mr Stilinski shakes his head and turns to his son, 'so do you listen in on all my phone calls?' I have to repress a laugh as Stiles says 'No.. not the boring ones.'

'Now, where's your third in crime?' he asks us. 'Who, Scott? Scott's home.' I tell him. 'He said he wanted to get a good nights sleep for first day back at school tomorrow, so I asked the MUCH better twin to come out here with me.' Stiles tells his dad as I stand next to him blushing slightly. 'Scott you out there?' the sheriff called out, 'Scott?' I saw a flash of red and breathed a sigh of relief knowing he was okay. 'Well you two, I'm gonna walk you back to the car,' he grabs Stiles by the back of his shirt, 'and we're gonna have a conversation about something called invasion of privacy.'

Once we were in the car and Stiles's dad is out of hearing range I started freaking out a little. 'We're not leaving without Scott right?' Stiles sighs, 'My dads right, I gotta get you home, Scott'll be fine.' I lean my head against the window, 'Okay fine, let's just get out of here. This place is giving me the creeps.' He starts the Jeep and as we're driving away I say, 'Just remember, if Scott's hurt you're a dead man walking.' Stiles laughs at me and I roll my eyes back. 'Scott's fine. I promise.'
About half an hour after Stiles drops me off at my house I hear Scott coming in through his window. I rush into his room to make sure he's okay and I grab him in a big hug when I see he's still alright and breathing. He winces and I pull away to give him a questioning look, 'You're okay right?' He nods 'I think something bit me though...'

'Bit you?' I ask. 'Yeah' he lifts up his shirt to reveal a bite mark with dried blood around and coating it. 'Holy shi-' I start but Scott interrupts me, 'I'm fine Violet, I swear. I just need some rest, I'll tell you and Stiles all about it tomorrow.' I nod 'Okay okay I'm going.' I say as I walk out and go to my own room and back to sleep.

1425 words

The Twin (Stiles Stilinski X oc)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin